Public relations firm Weber Shandwick Worldwide gives a list of ten
challenges to doing business in China. In summary they are:
* Customer loyalty/retention—there is a constant influx of new brands,
increasing competition
* Cultural sensitivities—westerners do not usually have extensive
knowledge of local cultural and governmental customs
* Discrepancy between government policies and economic growth—recent
economic growth is rapid and the government is not adapting policies
at the same rate.
*Intellectual property—China has an extensive counterfeit industry,
making protecting assets difficult
* Innovation/creativity—Historically the Chinese people have not been
encouraged, or even allowed, to think for themselves or think “outside
the box”
* Employee loyalty/commitment—employees switch jobs frequently to “get ahead”
* Building networks and alliances—“Guanxi” (relations) are the key to
doing business in China. Building trust takes a long time.
* Lack of talented managers and appreciation of “brain power”—many
managers have not been afforded the opportunity to study
internationally or gain international experience
* Flexibility and adaptability to change—company structure has gone
from state to private, and domestic to internationally so rapidly that
it has been difficult to adapt sufficiently
* Wide geographical, cultural, and personal income disparities—China
is such a large country with varied markets that universal marketing
is a near impossibility
Besides the obvious challenges from a language standpoint, there are
many subtleties of Japanese culture that permeate their business
* Bow slightly when introduced or leaving a meeting.
* Study a person’s name card/business card carefully, and ask a
gentle, thoughtful question.
* Follow up with a thank you fax, email, or letter.
* Be introduced through a trusted customer, client, employer, etc.
* Provide a dinner meeting at some point.
* Be late.
* Toss business cards across a table or write on them.
* Press too hard for a commitment or be too aggressive when closing a deal.
* Chew gum during a meeting (probably a no-no here, too!).
Business differences in Japan are also addressed in the subsequent
lecture slide. Some of the highlights are:
* Decisions tend to take longer, along a prescribed step-by-step process.
* More consensus is typically sought in Japan because of the high
number of people and business entities involved in transactions.
* Patience is very important.
* There is stronger loyalty, so companies do not change business
partners or vendors/suppliers very often.
* Business in Japan is often organized in large conglomerates with
many “family companies,” so it can be difficult to become a “qualified
vendor.” The process can take one year or more.
* If you do not have an established presence in Japan it is easy to be
passed over as a new business partner.
* Contracts can take up to a year to be negotiated.
* Payment terms tend to be longer.
* Japan is group-oriented with emphasis on harmony (“Wa”).
* Consensus matters a lot.
* According to a Japanese proverb: "The nail that sticks up gets
pounded down". Don’t stick out.
* "Honne and Tate Mae." The former is one’s true feelings and the
latter refers to a façade. In other words, people often hide their
true emotions in order to save face.
India has become a major player in international business, especially
with recent discussion of outsourcing and offshore business ventures.
* India is a versatile and diverse country. Do your research.
* Don’t judge India based on tourists’ impressions.
* Communicate carefully, as a premium is placed on this.
* Never squirm.
* Never shake hands, touch, or sit close or next to a woman.
* Keep a respectable distance between a man and a woman, especially in public.
* Indians often want to know everything at the first meeting. Don’t be offended.
* A foreigner’s value may be equated with the money that can be
obtained from him or her.
* The more you want something, behave as if you don’t care if you don’t get it.
Brazil is often listed as one of the world’s leading emerging markets.
It is a country rich in culture, demanding that businesses obtain a
greater understanding to forge successful relationships. There is a
nice fact sheet available from Window on the World, Inc. Some of the
highlights include:
* The People: warm and friendly, lively, free-spirited
* Meeting and Greeting: take time to greet and say good-bye to each person present
* Body Language: physical contact is part of simple communication; do not shy away
* Corporate Culture: don’t get right to business; face-to-face contact
is the most important; facts are not always accurate initially as
Brazilians expect a certain amount of “hype” during negotiations
* Dining and Entertainment: always dine in a prestigious restaurant;
allow plenty of time for meals (2 hours or more)
* Dress: Brazilian women dress “sexy” for all occasions; foreign women
wanting to blend in should avoid looking too formal or “stiff”; men
should wear a dark business suit, white shirt, and a tie
* Gifts: they are not important in establishing business
relationships, so people do not expect them at first; an expensive
gift may be viewed as a bribe.
With its proximity to the United States, and its impact on immigration
and local business, Mexico is an important country to understand when
considering the global economy from the U.S. perspective.
* Women should initiate handshakes with men.
* Mexican men may exchange a type of bear hug, called an “abrazo.”
* Handshakes at the end of a meeting usually affirm what was discussed
or agreed to.
* Conversations occur at a much closer physical distance than in the
U.S. Moving away to maintain “personal space” is considered
* Eye contact should be infrequent.
* Men should avoid putting their hands in their pockets in public.
* Putting your hands on your hips signifies a challenge.
Tuesday, July 31, 2007
Cultural Differences in Business
Monday, July 30, 2007
Airlines of China
Airlines of China: -- - Air China - ChinaEastern Airlines - China Northern Airlines - China Northwest Airlines- China Southern Airlines(Group) - China Southwest Airlines - XinjiangAirlines - Yunnan Airlines --- - China Airlines: -- Air China - - -- Air Macau - - -- China Airlines - - Timetable - USATravel Tips - Information - Flight Query - News - Feedback - OnlineReservation - Mandarin Airlines-- China Southern Airlines ----- - What's New - About TheCompany - Flight & Fare Information Center ------ - flight schedules atbottom of web page.----- - schedules - fares - ----- - -- China Southwest Airlines: ----- - ----- - -- China Eastern Airlines: ----- - ----- - -- Hainan Airlines - - Mostly DomesticFlights - About - Route Network - Flight Schedule - Services -Projects-- Mandarin Airlines - -About Us - Dynasty - Travel - Schedule - Business --- Shanghai Airlines - SF - - -- China Yunnan Airlines: ----- Arrivals to Singapore - ------ Timetable - - ____________________________________________________________________________
Thursday, July 26, 2007
Global Value Chain and China
The global value chain includes such tasks as design, production,
marketing, distribution and support for the customer after delivery of
the final product. In the case of foreign nations, many have
experienced heavy growth in certain industries due to their efficient
use of the value chain and ability to exploit buyer-driven chains.
Foreign companies have used their efficient sources of work and labour
(and subsequent lower prices) to force American companies to do the
This was able to occur because many developing nations have reached a
point economically where they are able to take on the more advanced
tasks needed for some jobs that previously only wealthier nations had
Buyer-driven chains of goods which are intended for export and
regulated by free market prices are now overwhelmingly produced in
foreign economies such as China and Thailand rather than in the United
States, which has a high minimum wage and many laws protecting
workers. The best example of this is found in apparel-- rarely will
clothing found in American stores actually be manufactured in America.
Compared to producer-driven value chains such as oil or agriculture,
these industries can easily be transported from country to country and
so are easily outsourced. As communications, transport and overall
technologies have improved in the 1990s, meanwhile, "outsourcing" in
this way has become more and more common in not just textile
industries but more advanced and skilled industries such as software
development. By relegating the hardest part of the job-- making or
developing the product-- to the place with the most and cheapest
workers, companies can cut down on their production costs greatly.
Some of the best markets to see these value chains are footwear,
consumer electronics and toys. Places that are close to large
international ports and transport zones attract these industries, to
further cut down on costs. The system has the effect of stimulating
competition among companies from developed countries who make the same
products, seeing (1.) who can make the product the best and cheapest,
and (2.) whose product has the best brand recognition and will sell to
consumers best. This sort of competition has stimulated an increase in
importance of global brands-- names such as Sony, Nike and Reebok are
trusted and will sell well, no matter where they are made or by whom.
Since many of these products are cobbled together by unskilled labour,
the brand is what sells them, not the actual product. Foreign
companies can have an advantage and be more trusted than American
brands, even if the two products were made next to the same port from
the same group of workers. Anyone can make a pair of shoes, but only
Nike can make Nikes. Nike has the advantage over the competition,
despite the fact that their product might not actually be any better
or less expensive. It has the name, and sometimes that's all that
In addition, to follow through with the example, because anyone can
make that pair of shoes, many, many more companies have opened shoe
factories to compete with Nike, and they've been able to do so because
of the abundance of inexpensive labour and materials. The barriers to
entry for small start-ups have been reduced by reductions in upfront
manufacturing costs.
In order for American companies to remain competitive against foreign
competition, they have to move their base of production out of America
and into a country such as China which has a less expensive labour
force. Chinese manufacturing workers make 25 percent of what a
Mexican manufacturing worker would. Foreign companies which are
transnational, with many locations around the globe, certainly do this
to make themselves more productive, and America must follow. Many
times, companies already based in these foreign companies can keep
their production costs lower, as a company doing business in its
already-established base of business, than an American company could.
In some cases, these foreign companies are also able to accept lower
cost margins than an American company establishing itself in foreign
markets would be able to do. This theory is posited in this Chinese
These companies have access to the same range of technologies as the
Americans do, but they are locals rather than foreigners and in some
cases might be more accepted. They can often create the same cutting
edge technologies that Americans can for the same price.
A good example of this is in cars. Already, Japanese cars have
overtaken American cars in America for price and quality. Chinese
cars will inevitably make it to American shores, and they might take
over from the Japanese as Americans' preferred autombile makers. They
don't have to be located in the United States, and they don't have the
health care and worker costs and union frustrations that American
carmakers have. Their cars will be less expensive to make and so less
expensive to buy.
Many companies which are already the leaders in their fields, such as
Nokia, will continue to provide competition for Americans due to their
superior branding. They can sell their product for more based on their
name brand, and new start-ups can't compete. In addition, when
software developers and customer service personnel can be easily hired
in India or other places, companies' costs can be even further cut. A
software developer in India makes a fraction of what a similarly
titled position would garner in America.
In coming years, as China's economy increases in size, Chinese
companies will have an advantage selling to the Chinese customer base.
They don't have to pay tariffs and don't need as much advertising or
to build as much infrastructure in China, because they did that when
they started their business. Companies, even those that do business
abroad, often find that their biggest customers are those of their
home country. Large economies such as the United States only export
10 percent of GDP, whereas for smaller countries and markets like
Switzerland, 28 percent of GDP is composed of exports. China's
companies will benefit from the huge market right in their backyard.
China already has 10 percent of the FDI (foreign direct investment) in
the world and that will continue to grow-- it replaced the US at the
top of FDI measures.
In addition, when Indian and its billion residents are added to those
billion residents of China, one third or more of the world's market
will exist in these countries. Companies conveniently located on the
inside will have a strategic advantage. For many years, the United
States and Europe have been the world's top markets, but soon China
and India will be. China is already the world's biggest market for
personal computers, and the GDP per capita is an average of only $900.
As that figure doubles in the next few years, the Chinese market will
become more and more important to the world's businesses. A local
business would better understand potential employees and potential
customers in a market that differs so much culturally from Western
nations. In addition, businesses already located in China would not
suffer as foreign companies would from any protectionist regulations
enacted by the Chinese government against foreign companies. This is
why so many American companies are rushing to insert themselves in
China now, rather than later. America is the world's current biggest
economy and it often passes tariffs and tries to favor American
businesses over foreign-owned ones, so it is sensible that when China
overtakes America as the world's largest economy, it will follow suit.
China has already proven to be an adversary to foreign investment,
especially from the U.S., in many ways--"the Chinese government not
only can ‘say no’ but does so on a
regular basis."
--MIT report, cited below
Another factor in this situation is that China when China imports, it
takes much of its imports from close neighbours such as Japan and
Taiwan, rather than the United States. Japan is China's biggest
trading partner, and in 2002 China took $55 billion of imports from
Japan. The United States is only China's sixth largest trading
partner. Japan, the European Union, Taiwan and South Korea are all
competitors for American sales when China has the largest economy.
New technologies that have been developed and are only manufactured in
these countries, such as the pureplay fabrication model in Taiwan,
also give Asian businesses a leg up on American businesses. If the
country can develop their own technologies and manufacture them too,
they don't have to allow American businesses to edge in on those
markets and can keep them all to themselves.
Some Congressional leaders have called for laws banning American
companies' outsourcing, and many trade unions and other groups boycott
companies that choose to do so. This opposition to outsourcing can
only hurt American businesses, as they try to keep whatever jobs in
America they can rather than face the wrath of anti-outsourcing groups
by moving the jobs offland. Foreign companies are often already in
those developing markets, and they might be better suited in the long
run to take advantage of the benefits of that than America is. On a
global scale, every company, for example, using software developers
must outsource or they will be at a huge financial disadvantage.
In sum, here is a rundown of the ways that the value chain helps
competitors against American businesses:
1. Global brand recognition
-- in cases such as Nokia and Samsung-- the product might not be any
better but it is well-known
2. Acceptance of lower cost margins
3. The Incumbents' Advantage in China
-- protectionist tariffs might arise
4. Opposition to outsourcing in USA
5. China will import here.
6. China imports from other nations rather than the US.
Posted by
7:27 PM
Labels: america, China, Chinese, company, global, US, value chain
Monday, July 23, 2007
Hong Kong - Private companies
139 Holdings Ltd. Rm. 1603-1605 Harcourt House, 39 Gloucester Rd.,
Wanchai Hong Kong
3M Hong Kong Ltd. 5th Fl. Victoria Centre, 15 Watson Rd. Hong Kong
4M Systems Ltd. Unit A, 25th Fl., CDW Bldg., 388 Castle Peak Rd. Tsuen Wan
A-Max Holdings Ltd. Units 11-12 32nd Fl. Cable TV Twr., 9 Hoi Shing
Rd., Tsuen Wan New Territories
A-Max Technology Ltd. 10/F., A-Max Technology Tower, 12-16 Fui Yiu Kok
St. Tsuen Wan, New Territories
A.M. Best Asia-Pacific Ltd. Unit 5707, 57/F Central Plz., 18 Wanchai
ABB (Hong Kong) Ltd. Tai Po Industrial Estate, 3 Dai Hei St., Tai
Po New Territories
ABC Communications Holdings Ltd. 2/F Jade Mansion, 40 Waterloo Rd.,
Yaumatei Kowloon
ABC Multiactive Ltd. 17th Fl. Regent Centre, 88 Queen's Rd. Central,
Central Hong Kong
Ablestik Laboratories Units 1601-1606 16/F Twr. 1, Metroplaza, 223
Hing Fong Rd. Kwai Fong - New Territorie
ABN AMRO Bank N.V. 38/F Cheung Kong Centre, 2 Queen's Rd., Central Hong Kong
ACE Company Ltd. (Advanced Communication Equipment International
Company 11th Fl. Prosperity Centre,77-81 Container Port Rd. Kwai Chung
Acer Computer (Far East) Ltd. 6th Fl. Guangdong Investment Twr., 148
Connaught Rd. Central
ACNielsen (China) Ltd. 979 King's Rd., Fl. 2, Warwick House, Quarry Bay Hong Kong
AcrossAsia Multimedia Ltd. Suites 4302 43/F, Twr. One Lippo Centre, 89
Queensway Hong Kong
ACS Computer Hong Kong Ltd. Unit 1008, 10th Fl., Hongkong
International Trade and Exhibition Centre, Kowloon Bay
ADC Broadband (Hong Kong) Ltd. 1 Garden Rd., Band of China Tower, 30 Fl. Hong Kong
Adecco Personnel Ltd. Soundwill Plaza, 38 Russell St., Rm. 1501-1502,
15F Causeway Bay
Adis International Publications Ltd. 18th Fl. Tung Sun Commercial
Centre,194-200 Lockhart Rd. Wanchai
Advanced Card Systems Ltd. Unit 2910-2913 29/F The Ctr., 99 Queen's
Rd., Central Hong Kong
AEON Credit Service (Asia) Company Ltd. 37/F World Trade Centre, 280
Gloucester Rd., Causeway Bay Hong Kong
Aeon Stores (Hong Kong) Company Ltd. 3/F Stanhope House, 738 King's
Rd., Quarry Bay Hong Kong
AFA Systems Asia Ltd. 18/F One International Finance Centre, 1 Harbour
View St., Central Hong Kong
Agfa-Gevaert (HK) Ltd. 14th Fl. Cavendish Centre,23 Yip Wong Chuk Hang
Agilent Technologies Hong Kong Ltd. 24/F Cityplaza one, 1111 Kings Rd. Taikoo Shing
Akzo Nobel Car Refinishes Hong Kong Ltd. 3/F Block G, E Sun Industrial
Centre, 16 Shing Yip St. Kwun Tong - Kowloon
Alco Holdings Ltd. 11/F Zung Fu Industrial Bldg., 1067 King's Rd.,
Quarry Bay Hong Kong Corp. 18 Fenwick St., Rm. 2403-05, Jubilee Centre Wanchai
Allan International Holdings Ltd. 12/F Zung Fu Industrial Bldg., 1067
King's Rd., Quarry Bay Hong Kong
Allied Banking Corp. (Hong Kong) 1402 World Wide House, 19 Des Voeux
Rd. Central Hong Kong
Allied Group Ltd. 22/F Allied Kajima Bldg., 138 Gloucester Rd., Wanchai Hong Kong
Allied Properties (HK) Ltd. 22/F Allied Kajima Bldg., 138 Gloucester
Rd., Wanchai Hong Kong
American International Assurance Company Ltd. PO Box 456, AIA Twr.
11th Fl., 1 Stubbs Rd. Hong Kong
Amoy Food Ltd. 11-15 Dai Fu St., Tai Po Industrial Estate, Tai Po New Territories
AMS Transport Holdings Ltd. 11-12 Fl. Abba Commercial Bldg., 223
Aberdeen Main Rd. Hong Kong
Amway Asia Pacific Ltd. 38/F The Lee Gardens, 33 Hysan Ave., Causeway Bay Hong Kong
Anex International Holdings Ltd. 9/F Mai Shun Industrial Bldg., 18-24
Kwai Cheong Rd., Kwai Chung New Territories
Angels Technology Company Ltd. Rm. 2712 22/F W Twr., Shun Tak Centre,
168-200 Connaught Rd. Central Hong Kong
Anwell Precision Technology (HK) Ltd. Rm. 8-15, 9th Fl. Metro Loft, 38
Kwai Hei St. Kwai Chung
Applied International Holdings Ltd. Unit3402 34th Fl. China Merchants
Twr., Shun Tak Centre, 168-200 Connaug Hong Kong
APTN Corporate Services Central Plz., Ste. 4808, 48th Fl., 18 Harbor Rd. Wanchai
Aptus Holdings Ltd. 30th Fl. Sunshine Plz., 353 Lockhart Rd. Hong Kong
Arcontech Corp. 8-A6 8/F Chou Chong Commercial Bldg., 476 Castle Peak Rd. Kowloon
Argos Enterprise (Holdings) Ltd. Rm. 1113 11/F Block A2, Yau Tong
Industrial City, 17 Ko Fai Rd. Kowloon
Art Textile Technology Int'l Company Ltd. Rm. 2402 24th Fl. Wing On
Centre, 111 Connaught Rd. Central Hong Kong
Artel Solutions Group Holdings Ltd. Unit 858 HITEC, 1 Trademart Dr. Kowloon Bay
Artfield Group Ltd. 13/F Universal Industrial Centre, 19-21 Shan Mei
Street-Fo Tan, Shatin New Territories
Arts Optical International Holdings Ltd. 3/F 308 Sunbeam Centre, 27
Shing Yip St., Kwun Tong Kowloon
Artsberg Enterprise Ltd. 11th Fl. Hop Shing Commercial Bl Kowloon
Asia 2000 15b The Bikeside,263 Hollywood Rd. Hong Kong
Asia Alliance Holdings Ltd. 7/F Hong Kong Spinners Bldg., 481-483
Castle Peak Rd., Cheung Sha Wan Kowloon
Asia Aluminium Holdings Ltd. 12/F Railway Plz., 39 Chatham Rd. S,
Tsimshatsui Kowloon
Asia Commercial Bank Ltd. Asia Financial Centre, 120 Des Voeux Rd.
Central Hong Kong
Asia Commercial Holdings Ltd. 13/F Hong Kong Industrial Bldg., 444-452
Des Voeux Rd. W Hong Kong
Asia Financial Holdings Ltd. 7/F Asia Financial Centre, 120 Des Voeux
Rd. Central Hong Kong
Asia Insurance Company Ltd. 16/F World-Wide House, 19 Des Voeux Rd.
Central Hong Kong
Asia Magic Hong Kong Ltd. Unit 11, 7th Fl., Harry Industrial Bldg.,
49-51 Au pui Wan St., Fotan Shatin
Asia Orient Holdings Ltd. 30/F Asia Orient Twr., 33 Lockhart Rd., Wanchai Hong Kong
Asia Pacific Vision (APV) 1253a Telecom House, 3 Gloucester Rd. Wan Chai
Asia Resources Holdings Ltd. Unit 04 34/F Bank of America Twr., 12
Harcourt Rd. Central Hong Kong
Asia Standard Hotel Group Ltd. 30/F Asia Orient Twr., Town Place-33
Lockhart Rd., Wanchai Hong Kong
Asia Standard International Group Ltd. 30/F Asia Orient Twr., Town
Place-33 Lockhart Rd., Wanchai Hong Kong
Asia Tele-Net and Technology Corporation Ltd. 11 Dai Hei St., Tai Po
Industrial Estate, Tai Po New Territories
Asia Telemedia Ltd. 2808 One Exchange Sq. Hong Kong
Asian Information Resources (Holdings) Ltd. Ste. 3001 30/F Citicorp
Centre, 18 Whitfield Rd. Hong Kong
ASM Pacific Technology Ltd. 12/F Watson Centre, 16-22 Kung Yip St.,
Kwai Chung New Territories
Associated International Hotels Ltd. Rm. 502 Euro Trade Centre, 21-23
Des Voeux Rd. Central Hong Kong
AstraZeneca Hong Kong Ltd. 2301 Cosco Twr., Grand Millenium Plz., 183
Queen's Rd. Central Hong Kong
AudioDev HK Ltd. Rm. 607-608, 6th Fl., Hang Bong Commercial Centre,
28-40 Shanghai St. Kowloon
Autodesk Far East Ltd. Untis 414-416, 4th Fl., Industrial Technology
Centre,72 Tat Chee Ave. Kowloon Tong
Automated Systems Holdings Ltd. 15/F Topsail Plz., 11 On Sum St.,
Shatin New Territories
Automatic Manufacturing Ltd. 15/F Block B, Veristrong Industrial
Centre, 34-36 Au Pui Wan St. Fotan - Hong Kong
AV Concept Holdings Ltd. 6th Fl. Enterprise Sq. Three, 39 Wang Chiu
Rd., Kowloon Bay Hong Kong
AWM Swiss Technology Ltd. Rm. 1701, Billion Trade Centre, 31 Hung To Rd. Kwun Tong
AXA China Region Ltd. AXA Centre, 151 Gloucester Rd., Wanchai Hong Kong
Axxicon Moulds Hong Kong Ltd. Units 20-25, 25th Fl., Twr. 1, Metro
Plz., 223 Hing Fong Rd. Kwai Fong
BALtrans Holdings Ltd. 8/F Twr. A New Mandarin Plz., 14 Science Museum
Rd., Tsimshatsui E Kowloon
Banc of America Securities Asia Ltd. PO Box 799, G, 2nd/F Bank of
America Twr., 12 Harcourt Rd. Hong Kong
Bank of America (Asia) Ltd. PO Box 133, 17/F Devon House, 979 King's
Rd., Quarry Bay Hong Kong
Bank of Baroda (Hong Kong) Ltd. 3/Fl Dina House, Ruttonjee Centre, 11
Duddell St. Hong Kong
Bank of China (Hong Kong) Ltd. Bank of China Twr., 1 Garden Rd. Hong Kong
Bank of Communications Wheelock House, 20 Pedder St., Central Hong Kong
Barclays Bank PLC, Hong Kong Branch 41st Fl. Citibank Twr., 3 Garden
Rd., Central Hong Kong
Barclays Capital Asia Ltd. 42/F Citibank Twr., 3 Citibank Plz. -
Garden Rd., Central Hong Kong
BBDO Asia Pacific 35th Fl., Dorset House, Taikoo Pl., 979 King's Rd. Quarry Bay
Beauforte Investors Corporation Ltd. Rm. 3601 36/F One Exchange Sq., 8
Connaught Pl., Central Hong Kong
Beijing Development (Hong Kong) Ltd. 20/F Hang Lung House, 184-192
Queen's Rd. Central, Sheung Wan Hong Kong
Beijing Enterprises Holdings Ltd. Rm. 4301 43rd/F Central Plz., 18
harbour Rd., Wanchai Hong Kong
Beijing Media Corporation Ltd. Level 28, Three Pacific Pl., 1 Queen's
Rd. E Hong Kong
BEP International Holdings Ltd. Units 909-912 9th Fl., Fo Tan
Industrial Centre, 26-28 Au Pui Wan St. Fo Tan-Shatin/New Territor
Berjaya Holdings (HK) Ltd. Unit 901-902, 59 Connaught Rd. Central Hong Kong
Berjaya Lottery Management (HK) Ltd. Rm. 901-2, 59 Connaught Rd., Central Hong Kong
Best Union Electronics Ltd. Unit J, 18th Fl. World Tech Ctr.,95 How
Ming St., Kwun Tong Kowloon
Bestway International Holdings Ltd. 18/F Tesbury Centre, 28 Queen's
Rd. E, Wanchai Hong Kong
Beyond Interactive 19th Fl., Devon House, Taikoo Pl., 979 King's Rd. Quarry Bay
Bird and Bird Ste. 3308, 33/F, Three Pacific Pl., 1 Queen's Rd. E Hong Kong
Black Box LB3 No.40 Conduit Rd., Mid-Levels Hong Kong
Blu S.p.A. Holdings Ltd. Rm. 2202 22nd Fl., Carnival Commercial Bldg.,
18 Java Rd. North Point/Hong Kong
BM Intelligence International Ltd. Units 05-07 15/F Shui On Centre,
6-8 Harbour Rd., Wanchai Hong Kong
BMC Software Ste. 5501, 55th Fl. Central Plz.,18 Harbour Rd. Wanchai
BNP Paribas Peregrine 14/F Central Twr., 28 Queen's Rd. Central Hong Kong
BNP Paribas S.A. 59-63/F Two International Finance Centre, 8 Finance
St., Central Hong Kong
BOC Edwards (Hong Kong) 12 Chun Yat St., Tseung Kwan O Ind. Estate,
Tseung Kwan O Kowloon
BOC Hong Kong (Holdings) Ltd. 52/F Bank of China Twr., 1 Garden Rd. Hong Kong
Bonjour Holdings Ltd. 10/F Bonjour Twr., 3 Yik Yat St., Tokwawan Kowloon
Bonny Fair Development Ltd. Rm. 701-703 Hua Qin Int'l Bldg., 340
Queen's Rd., Central Hong Kong
Bossini International Holdings Ltd. 6/F Hong Kong Spinners Bldg.,
Phases I and II, 601-603 Tai Nan W St. Kowloon
Bright International Group Ltd. Rm. 9 19/F Block B, Ming Pao
Industrial Centre, 18 Ka Yip St. Chai Wan - Hong Kong
British American Tobacco Hong Kong 21st/F One Pacific Pl., 88 Queensway Hong Kong
Broad Intelligence International Pharmaceutical Holdings Ltd. 1903
Allied Kajima Bldg., 138 Gloucester Rd., Wan Chai Hong Kong
BSH Home Appliances Ltd. (HK) Unit 1 2/B 7/F Skyway House, 3 Saham
Mong Rd., Tai Kok Tsui Kowloon
BT (Hong Kong) Ltd. Ste. 1301 Level 13, Two Pacific Pl., 88 Queensway/
Admiralty Hong Kong
Build King Holdings Ltd. Units 1001-1015 10/F Twr. 1, Grand Central
Plz., 138 Shatin Rural Commit Shatin - New Territories
Buildmore International Ltd. Rm. 2004, 20/F Gloucester Twr., The
Landmark Central Hong Kong
Burwill 14/F Office Twr., Convention Plaza-1 Harbour Rd., Wanchai Hong Kong
C P Pokphand Company Ltd. 21/F Far E Finance Centre, 16 Harcourt Rd. Hong Kong
Cacheflow 3208 Shell Twr., Times Sq. Causeway Bay
Cadbury Four Seas Company Ltd. No 9 Sheung Yuet Rd., Enterprise Sq.,
11/F Twr. I, U. 1106, Kowloon Bay Kowloon
Cadence China Ltd. The Gateway, Twr. II, 25 Canton Rd., Ste. 03-07,
Tsimshatsui Kowloon
Cafe de Coral Holdings Ltd. 10/F Cafe de Coral Centre, 5 Wo Shui
Street-Fo Tan, Shatin New Territories
Cammy Magnetech Company Ltd. Flat C, 6th Fl., Hop Ming Fty Bldg., 8 On
Yip St. Chai Wan
Capital Estate Ltd. 1901 19th Fl. Asia Orient Twr., Town Pl., 33
Lockhart Rd. Wan Chai/Hong Kong
Capital Strategic Investment Ltd. 3609-11 Two International Finance
Cenre, 8 Finance St., Central Hong Kong
Cardlink Technology Group Ltd. Unit 302 Seapower Centre, 73 Lei Muk
Rd., Kwai Chung New Territories
Carry Wealth Holdings Ltd. 23/F 9 Wing Hong St., Cheung Sha Wan Kowloon
Cash Financial Services Group Ltd. 21/F The Centre, 99 Queen's Rd.
Central Hong Kong
CASH Retail Management Group Ltd. 21/F The Ctr., 99 Queen's Rd. Central Hong Kong
CASIL Telecommunications Holdings Ltd. Ste. 4701 47th Fl. Central
Plz., 18 Harbour Rd., Wanchai Hong Kong
Caster International Ltd. Rm. 1605-1608,1 Hung To Rd. Bldg., Kwun Tong Kowloon
Cathay Pacific Airways Ltd. 8/F N Twr., Cathay Pacific City, HK
International Airport Hong Kong
CATIC International Holdings Ltd. Unit B 15th/F United Centre, 95
Queensway Hong Kong
CCT Telecom Holdings Ltd. 32/F China Merchants Twr., Shun Tak Centre,
168-200 Connaught Rd. Centra Hong Kong
CEC International Holdings Ltd. 2/F Hing Win Factory Bldg., 110 How
Ming St., Kwun Tong Kowloon
Celestial Asia Securities Holdings Ltd. 21/F The Centre, 99 Queen's
Rd. Central Hong Kong
Celestica Hong Kong Ltd. 4/F Goldlion Holding Centre, 13-15 Yuen Shun
Circuit, Siu Lek Yuen Shatin
Celine (Hong Kong) Ltd. Rm. 2202 Dorset House, 979 King's Rd., Quarry Bay Hong Kong
Century City International Holdings Ltd. 18/F Paliburg Plz., 68 Yee Wo
St., Causeway Bay Hong Kong
Century Legend (Holdings) Ltd. Rm. 2708-11 27/F W Twr., Shun Tak
Centre, 168-200 Connaught Rd. Central Hong Kong
Champion Technology Holdings Ltd. The Penthouse-Kantone Centre, 1 Ning
Foo St., Chaiwan Hong Kong
Chanco International Group Ltd. 3rd Fl. Victory Industrial Bldg.,
151-157 Wo Yi Hop Rd., Kwai Chung New Territories
Chen Hsong Holdings Ltd. Tai Po Industrial Estate, 13-15 Dai Wang St.,
Tai Po New Territories
Cheong Ming Holdings Ltd. Unit 2608 26, Twr. II Metroplaza, 223 Hing
Fong Rd. New Territories
Cheuk Nang (Holdings) Ltd. 30-32/F Cheuk Nang 21st Century Pl., 250
Hennessy Rd., Wanchai Hong Kong
Cheung Kong (Holdings) Ltd. 7/F Cheung Kong Ctr., 2 Queen's Rd., Central Hong Kong
Cheung Kong Infrastructure Holdings Ltd. 12/F Cheung Kong Ctr., 2
Queen's Rd. Central Hong Kong
Cheung Tai Hong Holdings Ltd. 29/F Paul Y Centre, 51 Hung To Rd., Kwun Tong Kowloon
Chevalier Construction Holdings Ltd. 22/F Chevalier Commercial Centre,
8 Wang Hoi Rd. Kowloon Bay
Chevalier International Holdings Ltd. 22/F Chevalier Commercial
Centre, 8 Wang Hoi Rd. Kowloon Bay
Chevalier iTech Holdings Ltd. 22/F Chevalier Commercial Centre, 8 Wang
Hoi Rd. Kowloon Bay
Chi Cheung Investment Company Ltd. 26/F MassMutual Twr., 38 Gloucester
Rd., Wanchai Hong Kong
Chia Hsin Cement Unit No. 1907 19/F, 9 Queen's Rd. Central Hong Kong
Chia Tai Enterprises Ltd. 53/F Bank of China Twr., 1 Garden Rd. Hong Kong
Chin Shing Manufacturing Ltd. 3rd Fl., Kras Asia Industrial Bldg., 79
Hung To Rd. Kwun Tong
China Advance Holdings Ltd. Ste. 1415 Ocean Centre, 5 Canton Rd., Tsim
Sha Tsui Kowloon
China Aerospace International Holdings Ltd. 17th/ Fl. China Aerospace
Twr., 143 Hoi Bun Rd., Kwun Tong Kowloon
China Agrotech Holdings Ltd. Rm. 2706 27/F, China Resources Bldg., 26
Harbour Rd. Wanchai/Hong Kong
China Assets (Holdings) Ltd. 19/F Wing On House, 71 Des Voeux Rd. Central Hong Kong
China Best Group Holding Ltd. 2805-2806 Convention Plz. Office Twr., 1
Harbour Rd., Wanchai Hong Kong
China Business Resources Company Ltd. Rm. 3103, Plz.,188 Connaught Rd. W Hong Kong
China Chengtong Development Group Ltd. Suites 2904-2907 29/F, One
International Finance Centre, 1 Harbour View Hong Kong
China Chief Cable TV Group Ltd. 1/F Mei Ah Centre, 28 Chun Choi St.,
Tseung Kwah O Industrial Estate Kowloon
China Conservation Power Holdings Ltd. Unit 3616 36/F China Merchants
Twr., Shun Tak Centre, 168-200 Connaught Sheung Wan - Hong Kong
China Construction Bank (Asia) Ltd. 4/F Twr. 1 Lippo Centre, 89 Queensway Hong Kong
China Credit Holdings Ltd. 2601 26/F Island Pl. Twr., 510 King's Rd.,
N Point Hong Kong
China Electronics Corporation Holdings Company Ltd. Rm. 908 9/F Sun
Hung Kai Centre, 30 Harbour Rd., Wanchai Hong Kong
China Elegance International Fashion Ltd. 25/F Sunshine Plz., 349-355
Lockhart Rd., Wanchai Hong Kong
China Fair Land Holdings Ltd. Unit 1101 11/F Twr. Two, Lippo Centre,
89 Queensway Hong Kong
China Force Oil and Grains Industrial Holdings Company Ltd. Rm. 2911
Shun Tak Centre W Twr., 200 Connaught Rd. Central Hong Kong
China Gas Holdings Ltd. 16/F AXA Centre, 151 Gloucester Rd., Wanchai Kowloon
China Golden Development Holdings Ltd. Ste. 5307 Central Plz., 18
Harbour Rd., Wanchai Hong Kong
China Haidian Holdings Ltd. 27th Fl. Two International Finance Centre,
8 Finance St. Hong Kong
China HealthCare Holdings Rm. 1001-1002 10/F Man Yee Bldg., 68 Des
Voeux Rd. Central Hong Kong
China Insurance International Holdings Company Ltd. 12/F Ming An Plz.,
Phase II-8 Sunning Rd., Causeway Bay Hong Kong
China Investment Fund Company Ltd. 4/F Aon China Bldg., 29 Queen's
Rd., Central Hong Kong
China Investments Holdings Ltd. Unit 901 Wing On Plz., 62 Mody Rd.,
Tsimshatsui Kowloon
China Medical Science Ltd. Rm. 1703B 17th Fl., Kai Tak Commercial
Bldg., 317 and 319 Des Voeux Rd. Hong Kong
China Merchants Dichain (Asia) Ltd. Unit 3611 36/F W Twr., Shun Tak
Centre, 168-200 Connaught Rd. Central Hong Kong
China Merchants Holdings (International) Company Ltd. 38/F E China
Merchants Twr., Shun Tak Centre, 168-200 Connaught Rd. Cent Hong Kong
China Metal International Holdings Inc. Units 2-3 23/F Pacific Plz.,
410-8 Des Voeux Rd. W Hong Kong
China Mobile (Hong Kong) Ltd. 60/F The Ctr., 99 Queen's Rd. Central Hong Kong
China Motion Telecom International Ltd. 20/F Towers II and III,
Enterprise Sq., 9 Sheung Yuet Rd. Kowloon Bay
China Motor Bus Company Ltd. 391 Chai Wan Rd., Chai Wan Hong Kong
China Nan Feng Group Ltd. Rm. B 11/F Cheung Lee Industrial Bldg., 9
Cheung Lee St., Chai Wan Hong Kong
China National Aviation Company Ltd. 5/F CNAC House-12 Tung Fai Rd.,
Hong Kong International Airport, Lantau Hong Kong
China National Resources Development Holdings Ltd. 2201 Lippo Centre,
Tower2, 89 Queensway Hong Kong
China Netcom Group Corp. (Hong Kong) Ltd. 59/F Bank of China Twr., 1
Garden Rd. Hong Kong
China Overseas Holdings Ltd. 29/F China Overseas Bldg., 139 Hennessy
Rd., Wanchai Hong Kong
China Overseas Land and Investment Ltd. 29/F China Overseas Bldg., 139
Hennessy Rd., Wanchai Hong Kong
China Pharmaceutical Group Ltd. Rm. 3805 38/F Central Plz., 18 Harbour
Rd., Wanchai Hong Kong
China Power International Development Ltd. Ste. 6301 63/F Central
Plz., 18 Harbour Rd., Wanchai Hong Kong
China Resources Cement Holdings Ltd. 4107 41/F China Resources Bldg.,
26 Harbour Rd., Wanchai Hong Kong
China Resources Enterprise Ltd. 39/F China Resources Bldg., 26 Harbour
Rd., Wanchai Hong Kong
China Resources Land Ltd. Rm. 2303 China Resources Bldg., 26 Harbour
Rd., Wanchai Hong Kong
China Resources Logic Ltd. Rooms 4003-4006 China Resources Bldg., 26
Harbour Rd., Wanchai Hong Kong
China Resources Power Holdings Company Ltd. Rooms 2001-2002, 20th Fl.
China Resources Bldg., 26 Harbour Rd. Wanchai/Hong Kong
China Rich Holdings Ltd. 33/F 118 Connaught Rd. W Hong Kong
China Sci-Tech Holdings Ltd. Rm. 4503 45/F China Resources Bldg., 26
Harbour Rd., Wanchai Hong Kong
China Sciences Conservational Power Ltd. Unit 3618 36/F China
Merchants Twr., Shun Tak Centre, 168-200 Connaught Hong Kong
China Star Entertainment Ltd. Unit 503C Miramar Twr., 132 Nathan Rd.,
Tsimshatsui Kowloon
China Strategic Holdings Ltd. 8/F Paul Y Centre, 51 Hung To Rd., Kwun Tong Kowloon
China Travel International Investment Hong Kong Ltd. 12/F CTS House,
78-83 Connaught Rd. Central Hong Kong
China Treasure (Greater China) Investments Ltd. Unit 1201-06 12/F Lu
Plz., 2 Wing Yip St., Kwun Tong Kowloon
China Unicom Ltd. 75/F The Ctr., 99 Queen's Rd. Central Hong Kong
China Velocity Group Rm. 1416 14/F China Merchants Twr., Shun Tak
Centre, Sheung Wan Hong Kong
China Water Affairs Group Ltd. Rm. 2606 26/F W Twr., Shun Tak Centre,
168-200 Connaught Rd. Central Sheung Wan - Hong Kong
China-Hong Kong Photo Products Holdings Ltd. 8/F Tsuen Wan Industrial
Centre, 220-248 Texaco Rd., Tsuen Wan New Territories Inc. 24/F Citicorp Centre, 18 Whitfield Rd., Causeway Bay Hong Kong
Chinese Estates Holdings Ltd. 26/F MassMutual Twr., 38 Gloucester Rd.,
Wanchai Hong Kong
Chinese People Gas Holdings Company Ltd. Unit 2113 21st Fl. China
Merchants Twr., Shun Tak Centre, 168-200 Connau Central/Hong Kong
Ching Hing (Holdings) Ltd. 10/F International Industrial Bldg.,
501-503 Castle Peak Rd. Kowloon
Chinney Alliance Group Ltd. 18/F Hang Seng Bldg., 77 Des Voeux Rd.
Central Hong Kong
Chinney Investments Ltd. 18/F Hang Seng Buildng, 77 Des Voeux Rd. Central Hong Kong
Chitaly Holdings Ltd. Rm. 204 2/F Wing On Plz., 62 Mody Rd., Tsim Sha
Tsui E Kowloon
Chiyu Banking Corporation Ltd. 78 Des Vouex Rd., Central Hong Kong
Chonsin Manufacturing Ltd. Unit 817, 8th Fl., Delta House, 3 On Yiu St. Shatin
Chow Sang Sang Holdings International Ltd. 4/F Chow Sang Sang Bldg.,
229 Nathan Rd. Kowloon
Christian Dior Far East Ltd. 20/F Dorset House, Taikoo Pl. - 979
King's Rd., Quarry Bay Hong Kong
Chu Kong Shipping Development Company Ltd. 22/F Chu Kong Shipping
Twr., 143 Connaught Rd. Central Hong Kong
Chuang's China Investments Ltd. 25/F Alexandra House, 16-20 Chater
Rd., Central Hong Kong
Chuang's Consortium International Ltd. 25/F Alexandra House, 16-20
Chater Rd. Central Hong Kong
Chun Wo Holdings Ltd. C2-5/F Hong Kong Spinners Bldg., 601-603 Tai Nan
W St., Cheung Sha Wan Kowloon
Chung Tai Printing Holdings Ltd. Chung Tai Printing Group Bldg., 11
Yip Cheong St., On Lok Tsuen Fanling - New Territories
Ciba Specialty Chemicals (Hong Kong) Ltd. Suites 1101-1106 11/F Twr.
2, The Gateway, Harbour City Kowloon
Ciba Specialty Chemicals (Hong Kong) Ltd. 61-69 Yau Ma Hom Rd. Kwai Chung
CIL Holdings Ltd. Rm. 910 Premier Centre, 20 Cheung Shun St., Lai Chi Kok Kowloon
Cirrus Logic 20th Fl., Ocean Bldg., 80 Shanghai St. Kowloon
Citibank (Hong Kong) Ltd. 8th Fl. Dorset House, Taikoo Pl., 979 King's
Road/ Quarry Bay Hong Kong
CITIC 21CN Company Ltd. 6208 Central Plz., 18 Harbour Rd., Wanchai Hong Kong
CITIC International Financial Holdings Ltd. Suites 1801-2, Bank of
America Twr., 12 Harcourt Rd. Central Hong Kong
CITIC Ka Wah Bank Ltd. Lippo Centre, 89 Queensway Hong Kong
CITIC Pacific Ltd. 32/F CITIC Twr., 1 Tim Mei Ave., Central Hong Kong
CITIC Resources Holdings Ltd. Suites 3001-3006, 30/F One Pacific Pl.,
88 Queensway Hong Kong
City e-Solutions Ltd. 2803 28/F Great Eagle Centre, 23 Harbour Rd.,
Wanchai Hong Kong
City Telecom (HK) Ltd. Level 39 Twr. 1 Metroplaza, 223 Hing Fong Rd.,
Kwai Chung New Territories
Citybus Ltd. 8 Chong Fu Raod, Chai Wan Hong Kong
Clear Media Ltd. 32/F Windsor House, 311 Gloucester Rd., Causeway Bay Hong Kong Inc. 74-77 Connaught Rd. Central
Clicquot Asia Ltd. Rm. 2310 23/F China Resources Bldg., 26 Harbour
Rd., Wanchai Hong Kong
Clicquot Hong Kong Rm. 2810 28/F China Resources Bldg., 26 Harbour
Rd., Wanchai Hong Kong
Climax International Company Ltd. 26/F Metropole Sq., 2 On Yui St.,
Siu Lek Yuen Shatin - New Territories
CLP Holdings Ltd. 147 Argyle St. Kowloon
CNPC (Hong Kong) Ltd. Rm. 3907-3910, 39/F 118 Connaught Rd. W Hong Kong
CNT Group Ltd. 31/F CNT Twr., 338 Hennessy Rd., Wanchai Hong Kong
Co-winner Enterprise Ltd. Rm. 1005 CC Wu Bldg., 302-308 Hennessy Rd.,
Wanchai Hong Kong
Coastal Greenland Ltd. Rm. 502 Bank of E Asia, Harbour View Centre, 56
Gloucester Rd. Hong Kong
COL Capital Ltd. 47/F China Online Centre, 333 Lockhart Rd., Wanchai Hong Kong
Commerce One Hong Kong Ltd. Unit11, 7th Fl., Nan Fung Commercial
Center, 19 Lam Lok St., Kowloon Bay Kowloon
Compac Microelectronics Ltd. Rm. 901-4 Prosperity Centre,77-8 Kwai Chung
Compass Pacific Holdings Ltd. Suites 612-617, 6/F Hutchison House, 10
Harcourt Rd. Central Hong Kong
CompuProject Services Ltd. Rm. 3099,3rd Fl. Shun Tak Centre Central
Computech Holdings Ltd. 10/F Westlands Centre, 20 Westlands Rd.,
Quarry Bay Hong Kong
Computer and Technologies Holdings Ltd. 30/F MLC Millennia Plz., 663
King's Rd., N Point Hong Kong
Conexant Systems Asia Pacific Ltd. 30 Harbour Rd., Sun Hung Kai
Centre. Rms. 2501-2513, 2538-2540 Wanchai
Continental Holdings Ltd. Kaiser Estate Phase III, 1/F Flats M and N,
11 Hok Yuen St. Hunghom Kowloon
Convac Holdings International Ltd. 2703-5, Laws Commercial Plz.,788
Cheung Sha Wan Rd. Kowloon
Convenience Retail Asia Ltd. 12/F LiFung Centre, 2 On Ping Street-Siu
Lek Yuen, Shatin New Territories
Corporate Communication Systems 11th Fl., Capital Commercial Bld Causeway Bay
COSCO International Holdings Ltd. 47/F COSCO Twr., 183 Queen's Rd.,
Central Hong Kong
COSCO Pacific Ltd. 49/F COSCO Twr., 183 Queen's Rd. Central Hong Kong
Cosmopolitan International Holdings Ltd. Rm. 1703 Tai Sang Commerial
Bldg., Wanchai Hong Kong
Cosmos Machinery Enterprises Ltd. 8/F Tai Tung Industrial Bldg., 29-33
Tsing Yi Rd., Tsing Yi Island New Territories
Creative Energy Solutions Holdings Ltd. Rm. 1402 14th Fl. Harbour
Ctr., 25 Harbour Rd., Wanchai Hong Kong
Credit Card DNA Security System (Holdings) Ltd. Ste. 1603-6 16/F,
Great Eagle Centre, 23 Harbour Rd. Wanchai/Hong Kong
Crocodile Garments Ltd. 11/F Lai Sun Commercial Centre, 680 Cheung Sha
Wan Rd. Kowloon
Cross-Harbour (Holdings) Company Ltd. Rm. 3301-07 China Resources
Bldg., 26 Harbour Rd., Wanchai Hong Kong
Culturecom Holdings Ltd. Culturecom Centre, 47 Hung To Rd., Kwun Tong Kowloon
CyberM International (Holdings) Ltd. 2007-9 China Resources Bldg., 26
Harbour Rd., Wanchai Hong Kong
Dah Chong Hong Ltd. 8/F 20 Kai Cheung Rd., Kowloon Bay Hong Kong
Dah Sing Banking Group Ltd. 36/F Dah Sing Financial Centre, 108
Gloucester Rd. Hong Kong
Dah Sing Financial Holdings Ltd. 36/F Dah Sing Financial Centre, 108
Gloucester Rd. Hong Kong
Daido Group Ltd. 24/F China Merchants Twr., Shun Tak Centre, 168-200
Connaught Rd. Centra Hong Kong
DaimlerChrysler Services China Ltd. Rm. 4001 40/F Central Plz., 18
Harbour Rd., Wanchai Hong Kong
Daiwa Associate Holdings Ltd. 11/F Block G, E Sun Industrial Centre,
16 Shing Yip St. Kwun Tong - Kowloon
Daiwa Securities SMBC Hong Kong Ltd. Level 26, 1 Pacific Pl., 88
Queensway Hong Kong
Dan Form Holdings Company Ltd. Rm. 901-903 Harbour Centre, 25 Harbour
Rd., Wanchai Hong Kong
Daqing Petroleum and Chemical Group Ltd. Rm. 1818 18th/F, Hutchison
House, 10 Harcourt Rd. Central - Hong Kong
Datacolor Asia Pacific (HK) Ltd. Rm. 4301, 43/F, Metroplaza Twr. II,
223 Hing Fong Rd. Kwai Chung
Datronix Holdings Ltd. 19/F N Point Industrial Bldg., 499 King's Rd.,
N Point Hong Kong
Dawnrays Pharmaceutical (Holdings) Ltd. Suites 3212-13 Shell Twr.,
Times Sq. - 1 Matheson St., Causeway Bay Hong Kong
DBS Bank (Hong Kong) Ltd. 11th Fl. The Ctr., 99 Queen's Rd., Central Hong Kong
Decca Holdings Ltd. 2/F Decca Industrial Centre, 21 Cheung Lee St.,
Chai Wan Hong Kong
Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu 26/F Wing On Centre, 111 Connaught Rd. Central Hong Kong
Denway Motors Ltd. Rm. 801 Citicorp Centre, 18 Whitfield Rd., Causeway
Bay Hong Kong
Deson Development International Holdings Ltd. 11/F Nanyang Plz., 57
Hung To Rd., Kwun Tong Kowloon
Deutsche Bank AG - Hong Kong PO Box 3193, New World Twr., 16-18
Queen's Rd., Central Hong Kong
DFS Group 28 Canton Rd., Tsimshatsui, Kowloon Hong Kong
Dickson Concepts (International) Ltd. 4/F E Ocean Centre, 98 Granville
Rd., Tsimshatsui E Kowloon
Dickson Group Holdings Ltd. 23rd Fl. Vicwood Plz., 199 Des Voeux Rd.
Central Hong Kong
Digital Hong Kong Ltd. Rm. 1702 One Exchange Sq., 8 Connaught Pl. Hong Kong
Digital Matrix Asia Ltd. Flat S, 10th Fl., Block 2, Kwun Tong
Industrial Centre, 460-470 Kwun Ton Kowloon
DigiTel Group Ltd. Rm. 3810-111 38/F W Twr. Shun Tak Centre, 168-200
Connaught Rd., Central Hong Kong
DiviCom Hong Kong Regional Office Unit 301-302, 3th Fl., Hong Kong Kowloon
Dongfeng Motor Group Company Ltd. Level 28, Three Pacific Pl., 1
Queen's Rd. E Hong Kong
Dow Chemical Pacific Ltd. 47/F Sun Hung Kai Centre, 30 Harbour Rd.,
Wanchai Hong Kong
Dr. Schenk Technical Center Hong Kong Unit 9, 18th Fl., Twr. A, 63 Wo
Yi Hop Rd. Kwai Chung
Dragon Star Magnetics Ltd. Rm. 406, 4th Fl., Cheung Tat Ctr., 18
Cheung Lee St. Chai Wan
Dream International Ltd. 8/F Twr. 5, China Hong Kong City, 33 Canton
Rd. Tsimshatsui-Kowloon
Dun and Bradstreet (Hong Kong) Ltd. 17th Fl. Wawick House W, Teskao Hong Kong
DVN (Holdings) Ltd. 6301-6306 The Ctr., 99 Queen's Rd. Central Hong Kong
DVS Hong Kong Ltd. Unit 22-23a, Level 18, Landmark N,39 Lung Sum Ave. Sheung Shui
Dynamic Global Holdings Ltd. Units 2212-2217, 22/F The Metropolis
Twr., 10 Metropolis Dr. Hunghom - Kowloon
Dynamic Holdings Ltd. 17F Eton Twr., 8 Hysan Ave., Causeway Bay Hong Kong
E-2 Capital (Holdings) Ltd. 43/F Jardine House, One Connaught Pl.,
Central Hong Kong
e-Kong Group Ltd. 3705 Gloucester Twr., The Landmark, 11 Pedder
St. Central/Hong Kong
E.Bon Holdings Ltd. 16-18/F First Commercial Bldg., 33 Leighton Rd.,
Causeway Bay Hong Kong
Earnest Investments Holdings Ltd. 1901 19th/F Emperor Group Centre,
288 Hennessy Rd., Wanchai Hong Kong
Easey Garment Factory Ltd. G/F Hensey Industrial Bldg., 433-441 Castle
Peak Rd. New Territories
Eastern Pretech (HK) Ltd. 7 Wang Lok St., Yuen Long Industrial Estate Hong Kong
Easyknit International Holdings Ltd. Unit A 7/F Hong Kong Spinners
Bldg., 481-483 Castle Peak Rd., Cheung Sha Kowloon
EC-Founder (Holdings) Company Ltd. Unit 1408 14/F Cable TV Twr., 9 Hoi
Shing Rd., Tsuen Wan New Territories
ECnet Unit 1803 S Twr., Condordia Plz.,1, Science Museum Rd.,
Tsimshatsui E Hong Kong
Eco-Tek Holdings Ltd. Unit 5 11/F Westland Centre, 20 Westlands Rd.,
Quarry Bay Hong Kong
Economist Intelligence Unit 25th Fl. Dah Sing Financial Centre,108
Gloucester Rd. Wanchai
eCyberChina Holdings Ltd. Unit 5808 58th/F The Ctr., 99 Queen's Rd.
Central Hong Kong
Educational Film Services 5th Fl. Chinachem Johnston Plz.,178 Johnston Rd. Wanchai
Eforce Holdings Ltd. Ste. 3008 Man Yee Bldg., 68 Des Voeux Rd., Central Hong Kong
Egana Jewellery and Pearls Ltd. Block C6 12F HK Industrial Centre,
489-491 Castle Peak Rd., Cheung Sha W Kowloon
EganaGoldpfeil (Holdings) Ltd. Block C-11/F, Hong Kong Industrial
Centre, 489-491 Castle Peak Rd. Kowloon
Electric and Eltek International Holdings Ltd. Unit B10, 3/F Merit
Industrial Centre, 94 Tokwawan Rd. Kowloon
Elegance International Holdings Ltd. B2 and B4 8/F, Mai Hing
Industrial Bldg., 16-18 Hing Yip St. Kwun Tong - Kowloon
Eli Lilly Asia Inc. 27/F CITIC Twr., 1 Tim Mei Ave., Central Hong Kong
Elitex Development Ltd. 14 Science Museum Rd., Tower B, Ste. 709-710 Tsim Sha Tsui
Elpida Memory (Hong Kong) Company Ltd. Ste. 2611, Shell Twr., Times
Sq., 1 Matheson St. Causeway Bay
Emperor Entertainment Group Ltd. 28/F Emperor Group Centre, 288
Hennessy Rd., Wanchai Hong Kong
Emperor Entertainment Hotel Ltd. 28/F Emperor Group Centre, 288
Hennessy Rd., Wanchai Hong Kong
Emperor International Holdings Ltd. 28/F Emperor Group Centre, 288
Hennessy Rd., Wanchai Hong Kong
Enerchina Holdings Ltd. 28/F Vicwood Plz., 199 Des Voeux Rd. Central Hong Kong
ENM Holdings Ltd. 1502 15/F Chinachem Golden Plz., 77 Mody Rd.,
Tsimshatsui E Kowloon
Epro Ltd. Rm. 1501 15th Fl., Tung Hip Commercial Bldg., 244-248 Des
Voeux Rd. Central/Hong Kong
Era Information and Entertainment Ltd. 1008-1018 10/F Trans Asia
Centre, 18 Kin Hong St., Kwai Chung New Territories
Ernst and Young 18/F Two International Finance Centre, 8 Finance St.,
Central Hong Kong
Esprit Holdings Ltd. 43rd Fl. Enterprise Sq. Three, 39 Wang Chiu Rd. Kowloon
Esquel Enterprises Ltd. 12/F Harbour Centre, 25 Harbour Rd., Wanchai Hong Kong
Essex Bio-Technology Ltd. Rm. 2818 China Merchants Twr., Shun Tak
Centre, 168-200 Connaught Rd. Ce Hong Kong
eSun Holdings Ltd. 11/F Lai Sun Commercial Centre, 680 Cheung Sha Wan Rd. Kowloon
Eu Yan Sang (Hong Kong) Ltd. 2/F 152-156 Queen's Rd. Central Hong Kong
Everbest Century Holdings Ltd. Unit 2802-7 28/F MLC Millenia Plz., 663
King's Rd., N Point Hong Kong
Everbright Chung Cheong DVD Company Ltd. 18th Fl., Sino Favour Centre,
1on Yip St. Chai Wan
Everest International Investments Ltd. Unit 3401 34/F Twr. One, Lippo
Centre, 89 Queensway Hong Kong
Everpride Biopharmaceutical Company Ltd. Unit 3105 Sino Plz., 255-257
Gloucester Rd., Causeway Bay Hong Kong
EVI Education Asia Ltd. 14/F Causeway Bay Plz. II, 463-483 Lockhart Rd. Hong Kong
Excel Technology International Holdings Ltd. 5/F 663 King's Rd., N Point Hong Kong
Extrawell Pharmaceutical Holdings Ltd. Ste. 4701-4 47/F, RBS
Tower-Times Sq., 1 Matheson St. Causeway Bay - Hong Kong
Fairwood Holdings Ltd. 2/F TRP Commercial Centre, 18 Tanner Rd., N Point Hong Kong
Far East Consortium International Ltd. 16/F Far E Consortium Bldg.,
121 Des Vouex Rd. Central Hong Kong
Far East Hotels and Entertainment Ltd. Ste. 3408 34/F Office Twr.,
Convention Plz., 1 Harbour Rd. Wanchai - Hong Kong
Far East MMedia Ltd. 3rd Fl. Remex Centre,42 Wong Chuk Hang Rd. Aberdeen
Far East Technology International Ltd. 18/F Far E Consortium Bldg.,
121 Des Voeux Rd. Central Hong Kong
Fast Systems Technology (Holdings) Ltd. Office Unit 7-8 10/F, Grand
City Plz., 1-17 Sai Lau Kok Rd. Tsuen Wan - New Territorie
FCB Asia Pacific 6th Fl., Sino Plz., 256 Gloucester Rd. Causeway Bay
Finest Industrial Company Ltd. 13A Sze Hing Loong Industrial Bldg., 44
Lee Chung St. Chai Wan
FinTronics Holdings Company Ltd. Rm. 2003-5 20/F Great Eagle Centre,
23 Harbour Rd., Wanchai Hong Kong
First Mobile Group Holdings Ltd. 1919-1923 19/F Grandtech Centre, 8 On
Ping St., Shatin New Territories
First Natural Foods Holdings Ltd. Suites 2202-3 Harbour Centre, 25
Harbour Rd., Wanchai Hong Kong
First Pacific Company Ltd. 24/F Two Exchange Sq., 8 Connaught Pl.,
Central Hong Kong
First Shanghai Investments Ltd. 1903 Wing On House, 71 Des Voeux Rd.,
Central Hong Kong
First Sign International Holdings Ltd. Rm. 17 17th/F Corporation Park,
11 On Lai St., Siu Lek Yuen/Shatin New Territories
Flexsystem Holdings Ltd. 12/F N Block, Skyway House - 3 Sham Mong Rd.,
Tai Kok Tsui Kowloon
Fong's Industries Company Ltd. 8/Fl 22-28 Cheung Tat Rd., Tsing Yi
Island New Territories
Fortuna International Holdings Ltd. Ste. 3301 Twr. 1, Lippo Centre, 89
Queensway Hong Kong
Fortune Oil Holdings Ltd. Ste. 2307 23/F Office Twr., Convention Plz.,
1 Harbour Rd. Wanchai Hong Kong
Fortune Telecom Holdings Ltd. Rm. 1502-7 15/F Twr. A, Regent Centre-63
Wo Yi Hop Rd., Kwai Chung New Territories
Forward Electronics Manufacturing Company Ltd. (FEMC) 17th Fl., Yan's
Twr., 25-27 Wong Chuk Hang Rd. Aberdeen
Fossil (East) Ltd. GPO Box 2277 Hong Kong
Foundation Group Ltd. Rm. 1901 19th Fl., Hutchison House, 10 Harcourt Rd. Central
Founder Holdings Ltd. 1408 Cable TV Twr., 9 Hoi Shing Rd., Tsuen
Wan New Territories
Fountain Set (Holdings) Ltd. Block A-7/F, Eastern Sea Industrial
Bldg., 29-39 Kwai Cheong Rd. Kwai Chung - New Territori
Four Seas Food Investment Holdings Ltd. Four Seas eFood Centre, 2 Hong
Ting Rd., Sai Kung Hong Kong
Four Seas Mercantile Holdings Ltd. Four Seas Group Bldg., 1 Hong Ting
Rd., Sai Kung New Territories
Frankie Dominion International Ltd. 1/F Yally Industrial Bldg., 6 Yip
Fat St., Wong Chuk Hang Hong Kong
Franklin Electronic Publishers (HK) Ltd. Unit 23, 5/F, Thriving
Industrial Ctr., 26-38 Sha Tsui Rd., Tsuen Wan Hong Kong
Frasers Property (China) Ltd. Ste. 2806-2811 28/F Shell Twr., Times
Sq. - 1 Matheson St., Causeway Bay Hong Kong
Freetron (Far East) Company Ltd. 9th Fl. Unit A, Kader Bldg. 22, Kai
Cheung Rd. Kowloon Bay
Fu Cheong International Holdings Ltd. Flat 4 5F Block 2, Tak Fung
Industrial Centre, 166-176 Texaco Rd. Tsuen Wan - New Territorie
Fubon Bank (Hong Kong) Ltd. Fubon Bank Bldg., 38 Des Voeux Rd. Central Hong Kong
Fujian Group Ltd. Rm. 2209-2210, 22/F Fortress Twr., 250 King's
Road-North Point Hong Kong
Fujikon Industrial Holdings Ltd. 16/F Twr. I Grand Central Plz., 138
Shatin Rural Committee Rd., Shatin New Territories
Fukutomi Merchandising Company Ltd. 32nd Fl., Asia Trade Centre, 79
Lei Muk Rd. Kwai Chung
Fulbond Holdings Ltd. 15/F Sing Ho Finance Bldg., 166-168 Gloucester
Rd., Wanchai Hong Kong
Fuluen (HK) Enterprise Company Ltd. Rm. 1301, Technology Plz., 651
King's Rd. North Point
Fushan International Energy Group Ltd. 12/F Kwan Chart Twr., 6
Tonnochy Rd., Wanchai Hong Kong
FX Creations International Holdings Ltd. Workshop A6 12/F Block A,
Hong Kong Industrial Centre, 489-491 Castle Pe Kowloon
G-Prop (Holdings) Ltd. 26/F MassMutual Twr., 38 Gloucester Rd., Wanchai Hong Kong
G-Vision International (Holdings) Ltd. Units 101-108 1/F E Ocean
Centre, 98 Granville Rd., Tsimshatsui E Kowloon
G4S Unit 02 7/F Beautiful Group Twr., 77 Connaught Rd., Central Hong Kong
GA Holdings Ltd. Unit 1206 12/F, 9 Queen's Rd. Central Hong Kong
Gain Development Industrial Ltd. Rm. 7-8, 16th Fl., Cheung Tat Centre,
18 Cheung Lee St. Chai Wan
Galaxy Entertainment Group Ltd. Rm. 1606 16th Fl. Hutchison House, 10
Harcourt Rd., Central Hong Kong
Gay Giano International Group Ltd. Units 701-702 Grandtech Centre, 8
On Ping St., Siu Lek Yuen Shatin - New Territories
Geely Automobile Holdings Ltd. Rm. 2301 23/F Great Eagle Centre, 23
Harbour Rd., Wanchai Hong Kong
Genesis Energy Holdings Ltd. 2301 Office Twr., Convention Plz., 1
Harbour Rd. Wanchai - Hong Kong
Get Nice Holdings Ltd. 10th Fl. Cosco Twr., Grand Millennium Plz., 183
Queen's Rd. Central/Hong Kong
GFT Holdings Ltd. Unit A9 3/F Block A, Hong Kong Industrial Centre,
489-491 Castle Peak Rd Kowloon
Giordano International Ltd. 5/F Tin On Ind Bldg., 777-779 Cheung Sha
Wan Rd. Kowloon
Givenchy China Company Ltd. 913A 9/F Harbour Centre Twr. I, Hok Cheung
St., Hunghom Hong Kong
Global Bio-Chem Technology Group Company Ltd. Unit 1104, Admiralty
Centre Twr. One, 18 Harcourt Rd. Hong Kong
Global Green Tech Group Ltd. Rm. 3402-08 34/F Office Twr., Convention
Plz., 1 Harbour Rd. Wanchai
Global Tech Holdings Ltd. 16/F Asia Pacific Finance Twr., Citibank
Plz., 3 Garden Rd. Central Hong Kong
Glorious Sun Enterprises Ltd. Glorious Sun Group Bldg., 97 How Ming
St., Kwun Tong Kowloon
Glory Future Group Ltd. 7th Fl. San Kei Twr., 56-58 Yee Wo St.,
Causeway Bay Hong Kong
Glory Mark Hi-Tech (Holdings) Ltd. Unit 907-9/F Westlands Centre, 20
Westlands Rd., Quarry Bay Hong Kong
Gold Peak Industries (Holdings) Ltd. 8/F Gold Peak Bldg., 30 Kwai Wing
Rd., Kwai Chung New Territories
Goldbond Group Holdings Ltd. Unit 3902A 39/F Twr. 1, Lippo Centre, 89
Queensway Hong Kong
Golden Age A-V Products Ltd. Flat 3, 3rd Fl., Block B, Hoi Luen
Industrial Centre, 55 Hoi Yuen Rd., K Kowloon
Golden Dragon Group (Holdings) Ltd. Rooms 1010-12 10/F W Twr., Shun
Tak Centre, 168-200 Connaught Rd. Centra Hong Kong
Golden Harvest Entertainment (Holdings) Ltd. 16/F Peninsula Office
Twr., 18 Middle Rd., Tsimshatsui Kowloon
Golden Resorts Group Ltd. Ste. 2809 28th Fl., One International
Finance Centre, 1 Harbour View St. Central - Hong Kong
Golden Resources Development International Ltd. 11/F Golden Resources
Centre, 2-12 Cheung Tat Rd., Tsing Yi Island New Territories
Goldlion Holdings Ltd. 7/F Goldlion Hldgs Ctre, 13-15 Yuen Shun
Circuit, Siu Lek Yuen Shatin - New Territories
Goldsense Technology Ltd. 3rd Fl., Paramount Bldg., 12 Ka Yip St. Chai Wan
Goldwiz Holdings Ltd. Ste. 3204-5 32/F Great Eagle Centre, 23 Harbour
Rd., Wanchai Hong Kong
Golik Holdings Ltd. Ste. 5608 Central Plz., 18 Harbour Rd., Wanchai Hong Kong
Gome Electrical Appliances Holding Ltd. Unit 6101, 61/F The Ctr., 99
Queen's Rd. Central Hong Kong
Good Fellow Group Ltd. Unit 1906 Nanyang Plz., 57 Hung To Rd., Kwun Tong Kowloon
Goodwill Magnetics Ltd. Unit D, 12th Fl., Block 2, Camelpaint Bldg.,
62 Hoi Yuen Rd. Kwun Tong
Gorient (Holdings) Ltd. 16/F Wyndham Pl., 44 Wyndham St. Central Hong Kong
Grand Field Group Holdings Ltd. Rm. 1201 Righteous Centre, 585 Nathan Rd. Kowloon
Grande Holdings Ltd. 12/F The Grande Bldg., 398 Kwun Tong Rd., Kwun Tong Kowloon
Grandy Corp. Rm. 1902 19th/F Sing Pao Bldg., 101 King's Rd., N Point Hong Kong
Graneagle Holdings Ltd. Ste. 1114 Lippo Sun Plz., 28 Canton Rd.,
Tsimshatsui Kowloon
Graphisoft Hong Kong Ltd. 4th Fl.,3-5 Old Bailey St. Central
Great China Holdings Ltd. 6/F King Kong Commercial Centre, 9 Des Voeux
Rd. W Hong Kong
Great Eagle Holdings Ltd. 33/F Great Eagle Centre, 23 Harbour Rd.,
Wanchai Hong Kong
Greater China Holdings Ltd. Rm. 1804 1 Lyndhurst Twr., 1 Lyndhurst
Ter., Central Hong Kong
Greater China Technology Group Ltd. Ste. 3408, Two Exchange Sq., Central Hong Kong
Green Island Cement (Holdings) Ltd. Rm. 201 2/F Twr. 2, Harbour
Centre, 8 Hok Cheung Street/Hung Horn Kowloon
Green Island Cement Company Ltd. Rm. 201 2/F Twr. 2, Harbour Centre, 8
Hok Cheung St. Hung Kom - Kowloon
Greenfield Chemical Holdings Ltd. Block L 5/F On Wah Bldg., 41-43 Au
Pui Wan St., Fo Tan - Shatin New Territories
Group Sense (International) Ltd. 6th Fl. Bldg. 9, 5 Science Park W
Ave., Hong Kong Science Park Shatin/New Territories
Guangdong Investment Ltd. 29/F Guangdong Investment Twr., 148
Connaught Rd. Central Hong Kong
Guangdong Tannery Ltd. 29/F, Guangdong Investment Twr., 148 Connaught
Rd. Central Hong Kong
Guangnan (Holdings) Ltd. 22/F Tesbury Centre, 24-32 Queen's Rd. E Hong Kong
Guangzhou Investment Company Ltd. 24/F Yue Xiu Bldg., 160-174 Lockhart
Rd., Wanchai Hong Kong
Guangzhou Shipyard International Company Ltd. Level 28, Three Pacific
Pl., 1 Queen's Rd. E Hong Kong
Guo Xin Group Ltd. 12th Fl., 18 Cheong Lok St., Jordon Kowloon
Guoco Group Ltd. 50/F The Ctr., 99 Queen's Rd. Central Hong Kong
GZI Transport Ltd. 23/F Yue Hing Bldg., 103 Hennessy Rd., Wanchai Hong Kong
GZITIC Hualing Holdings Ltd. Rms 2802-4 28/F Harbour Centre, 25
Harbour Rd., Wanchai Hong Kong
H-S Electronics Co. Rm. 20, 1st Fl. Wonder Bldg.,161 Kowloon
Haier Electronics Group Company Ltd. Units 6507-6508, 65th/F The Ctr.,
99 Queen's Rd. Central Hong Kong
Hang Fung Gold Technology Ltd. 2/F Kaiser Estate Phase II, 28 Man Lok
St., Hunghom Kowloon
Hang Lung Group Ltd. 28/F Standard Chartered Bank Bldg., 4 Des Voeux
Rd. Central Hong Kong
Hang Lung Properties Ltd. 28/F Standard Chartered Bank Bldg., 4 Des
Voeux Rd., Central Hong Kong
Hang Seng Bank Ltd. 83 Des Voeux Rd., Central Hong Kong
Hang Ten Group Holdings Ltd. Rm. 912 9th Fl. Stanhope House, 734
King's Rd., Quarry Bay Hong Kong
Hanison Construction Holdings Ltd. Unit 1 4/F Bl/B Shatin Ind'l
Centre, 5-7 Yuen Shun Circuit, Shatin New Territories
Hanky Hong Kong Unit 2411-12, 24th Fl., Twr. 1, Ever Gain Plz., 88
Container Port Rd. Kwai Chung
Hanny Holdings Ltd. 8/F Paul Y Centre, 51 Hung To Rd., Kwun Tong Kowloon
Hans Energy Company Ltd. Rm. 2708-12 27th/F Office Twr., 1 Harbour
Rd., Wanchai Hong Kong
Hantec Investment Holdings Ltd. 45/F COSCO Twr., 183 Queen's Rd. Central Hong Kong
Harbour Centre Development Ltd. 16/F Ocean Centre, Harbour City, Canton Rd. Kowloon
Harmony Asset Ltd. Rm. 1101 St. George Bldg., 2 Ice House St., Central Hong Kong
Haywood Investments Ltd. Unit 2206 22nd Fl. Office Twr., Convention
Plz., 1 Harbour Rd. Hong Kong
Heino Ilsemann, Hong Kong Office Rm. 1302, E Point Centre, 555
Hennessy Rd., Causeway Bay Hong Kong
Henderson China Holdings Ltd. 26/F AIA Twr., 183 Electric Rd., N Point Hong Kong
Henderson Cyber Ltd. 72-76/F, Two International Finance Centre, 8
Finance St. Central Hong Kong
Henderson Investment Ltd. 72-76/F Two International Finance Centre, 8
Finance St., Central Hong Kong
Henderson Land Development Company Ltd. 72-76/F Two International
Finance Centre, 8 Finance St., Central Hong Kong
Heng Tai Consumables Group Ltd. 31/F Guangdong Finance Bldg., 88
Connaught Rd. W, Sheung Wan Hong Kong
Herald Holdings Ltd. 3110 31/F Twr. II, Lippo Centre, 89 Queensway Hong Kong
Heritage International Holdings Ltd. Ste. 2702 The Centrium, 60
Wyndham St. Central Hong Kong
Hi Sun Technology (China) Ltd. Ste. 2316 23/F, One International
Finance Centre, 1 Harbour View St. Cen Hong Kong
High Fashion International Ltd. 11/F High Fashion Centre, 1-11 Kwai
Hei St., Kwai Chung New Territories
Hip Hing Construction Company Ltd. 29/F New World Twr., 16-18 Queen's
Rd. Central Hong Kong
Hip Shing Hong (Holdings) Ltd. 23 Hip Shing Hong Centre, 55 Des Voexu
Rd., Central Hong Kong
Hitachi (Hong Kong) Ltd. 8th Fl., Park-In Commercial Centre, No. 56
Dundas St. Kowloon
Hitachi Asia (Hong Kong) Ltd. 7th Fl., N Twr., World Finance Centre,
Harbour City, Canton Rd., Tsimsha Kowloon
HKC International Holdings Ltd. 2/F 55-57 Hennessy Rd., Wanchai Hong Kong
HKR International Ltd. 23/F China Merchants Twr., Shun Tak Centre,
168-200 Connaught Rd. Centra Hong Kong
Hon Kwok Land Investment Company Ltd. 18/F Hang Sang Bldg., 77 Des
Voeux Rd. Central Hong Kong
Hon Po Group (Lobster King) Ltd. Units EandF G/F Phase 2, Kingsway
Industrial Bldg., 173-175 Wo Yi Hop Rd Kwai Chung - Hong Kong
Hong Kong Aircraft Engineering Company Ltd. 35th/F Two Pacific Pl., 88
Queensway Hong Kong
Hong Kong Catering Management Ltd. 27/F World Trade Centre, 280
Gloucester Rd., Causeway Bay Hong Kong
Hong Kong Construction (Holdings) Ltd. Rooms 801-2 E Ocean Centre, 98
Granville Rd. Kowloon
Hong Kong Ferry (Holdings) Company Ltd. 98 Tam Kon Shan Rd., Ngau Kok
Wan, N Tsang Yi New Territories
Hong Kong Oxygen and Acetylene Company Ltd. 12 Chun Yat St., Tseung
Kwan O Industrial Estate, Tseung Kwan O Kowloon
Hong Kong Trade Development Council (HKTDC) 38th Fl., Office Twr.,
Conventional Plz., 1 Harbour Rd. Wanchai
Hongkong Electric Company Ltd. GPO Box 915 North Point
Hongkong Electric Holdings Ltd. Hongkong Electric Centre, 44 Kennedy Rd. Hong Kong
Hongkong Land Holdings Ltd. 8/F One Exchange Sq. Hong Kong
Hongkong United Dockyards Ltd. TYTL 108 Sai Tso Wan Rd., Tsing Yi
Island New Territories
Hop Hing Holdings Ltd. Units E/F 2/F Hop Hing Bldg., 9 Ping Tong St.
E, Tong Yan San Tsuen Yuen Long - New Territorie
Hopewell Holdings Ltd. 64/F Hopewell Centre, 183 Queen's Rd. E Hong Kong
Hopson Development Holdings Ltd. 19/F Wyndham Pl., 40-44 Wyndham St.,
Central Hong Kong
HSBC Life (International) Ltd. 18/F Twr. I HSBC Centre, 1 Sham Mong Rd. Kowloon
Hsin Chong Group Hsin Chong Centre, 107-109 Wai Yip St., Kwun Tong Kowloon
Hua Lien International (Holding) Company Ltd. Unit 2513A, 25/F 113
Argyle St., Mongkok Kowloon
Hua Yi Copper Holdings Ltd. Unit 501 5/F Riley House, 88 Lei Muk Rd.,
Kwai Chung New Territories
Huabao International Holdings Ste. 1103 Central Plz., 18 Harbour Rd.,
Wanchai Hong Kong
Hugo Productions No. 1-2, 5th Fl., Kinglet Industrial Bldg., 21-23
Shing Wan Rd. Taiwai
Hung Hing Printing Group Ltd. Hung Hing Printing Centre, 17-19 Dai Hei
St., Tai Po Industrial Estate New Territories
Hung Kwong Screws Industrial Company Ltd. Rm. 1301, Bldg. b1, Yau Tong
Industrial City, 17 Ko Fai Rd., Yau Tong Kowloon
Hutchison Harbour Ring Ltd. 22/F Hutchison House, 10 Harcourt Rd. Hong Kong
Hutchison Telecommunications International Ltd. 22nd Fl. Hutchison
House, 10 Harcourt Rd. Hong Kong
Hutchison Whampoa Ltd. 22/F Hutchison House, 10 Harcourt Rd. Hong Kong
HyComm Wireless Ltd. 2/F Hillier Bldg., 273-277 Queen's Rd. Central Hong Kong
Hysan Development Company Ltd. 49/F Manulife Plz., The Lee Gardens-33
Hysan Ave., Causeway Bay Hong Kong
IA International Holdings Ltd. Unit A 15/F Long To Bldg., 654 and 656
Castle Peak Rd., Lai Chi Kok Kowloon
ICAP (Hong Kong) Ltd. 12th Fl. Charter House, 8 Connaught Rd., Central Hong Kong
ICI Swire Paints Ltd. Ste. 2808/Island Pl. Twr., 510 King's Rd., N Point Hong Kong
IDC Asia/Pacific 12th Fl., St. John's Bldg.,33 Garden Rd., Central Hong Kong
Idemitsu Chemicals (Hong kong) Company Ltd. Unit 2104 Twr. Two, Lippo
Centre, 89 Queensway Hong Kong
IDT International Ltd. Block C 9/F Kaiser Estate, 41 Man Yue St., Hunghom Kowloon
IIN International Ltd. Ste. 15C Entertainment Bldg., 30 Queen's Rd.,
Central Hong Kong
Imagi International Holdings Ltd. Units 1909-12 17/F, Eight Commercial
Twr., 8 Sun Yip St. Chai Wan - Hong Kong
Imagination (Asia) Ltd. 32/F Cambridge House, Taikoo Pl., 979 King's
Rd. Island East
Imation Hong Kong Ltd. 30th Fl., Two Chinachem Exchange Sq., 338
King's Rd. North Point
IMerchants Ltd. 26/F Great Eagle Centre, 23 Harbour Rd., Wanchai Hong Kong
Industrial and Commercial Bank of China (Asia) Ltd. PO Box 872, ICBC
Twr., 3 Garden Rd. Central Hong Kong
Infineon Technologies Hong Kong Ltd. Ste. 302 Level 3 Festival Walk,
80 Tat Chee Ave., Kowloon Tong Kowloon
Info Access and Distribution (HK) Ltd. Units 1007-8, 10th Fl., Polly
Commercial Bldg.,21-23a Prat Ave. Tsim Sha Tsui
Info Communication Holdings Ltd. Rm. 15 5/F Wah Shing Centre, 11 Shing
Yip St., Kwun Tong Kowloon
Infobank CDROM 22/F Asia Orient Twr., Twr. Pl.,33 Lockhart Rd. Wanchai
Information Services Rm. 601, Two Exchange Sq. Central
Inmark Industrial Ltd. 1a, Man Foong Industrial Bldg.,7 Cheung Lee St. Chai Wan
Inner Mongolia Development (Holdings) Ltd. Ste. 2601-2603, 26/F China
Resources Bldg., 26 Harbour Rd. Wanchai - Hong Kong
Innomax Biotechnology Group Ltd. Ste. 3206-3211 32/F, One
International Finance Centre, 1 Harbour View St Hong Kong
Intcera High Tech Group Ltd. 4713 47th/F The Ctr., 99 Queen's Rd.,
Central Hong Kong
Interaxia Hong Kong Ltd. Unit 1313-15, Twr. 1, Metroplaza, 223 Hing
Fong Rd. Kwai Fong
Interchina Holdings Company Ltd. 45/F Far E Finance Ctr., 16 Harcourt
Rd., Admiralty Hong Kong
International Art Supplies Ltd. Shop No. 1, g/f,32-36 King's Rd. North Point
International Entertainment Corp. Rm. 1502-05 New World Twr. 1, 16-18
Queen's Rd. Central Hong Kong
Interpool (Hong Kong) Ltd. Rm. 1801, 18/F., Queen's Centre, 58-64
Queen's Rd. E Wanchai
Intersil China Ste. 1506, 15th Fl., Twr. 6, The Gateway, 9 Canton Rd.,
Tsimshatsui Kowloon
Intervet Hong Kong Ltd. 27/F 88 Fat Hing St., Causeway Bay Hong Kong
IPC Information Systems Asia Pacific Ltd. Cheung Kong Centre,46th
Fl.,2 Queens Rd. Hong Kong
ISteelAsia Holdings Ltd. Rm. 4902-8 Hopewell Centre, 183 Queen's Rd.
E, Wanchai Hong Kong
ITC Corporation Ltd. 30th Fl. Bank of America Twr., 12 Harcourt Rd.,
Central Hong Kong
ITE (Holdings) Ltd. 21/F Stelux House, 698 Prince Edward Rd. E, San Po Kong Kowloon
Itochu Hong Kong Ltd. 28/F United Centre, 95 Queensway Hong Kong
ITOK Technologies Ltd. Rm. 1011-13, 10th Fl., Twr. 1, Millenium City,
388 Kwun Tong Rd. Kwun Tong
Jackin International Holdings Ltd. Unit 8 10/F Riley House, 88 Lei Muk
Rd., Kwai Chung New Territories
Jackin Optical Marketing Company Ltd. Rm. 1008, 10th Fl., Riley House,
88 Lei Muk Rd. Kwai Chung
Jade Dynasty Group Ltd. 11/F Safety Godown Bldg., 56 Ka Yip St., Chai Wan Hong Kong
JAKKS Pacific Kidz Biz Far East Ltd. A1A Tower, Rm. 718, New World
Centre, 20 Salisbury Rd. Kowloon
Jardine Motors Group Ltd. PO Box 209, 31/F The Lee Gardens, 33 Hysan Ave. Hong Kong
Jardine Pacific Ltd. 25/F Devon House, Taikoo Pl., 979 King's Rd. Hong Kong
Jardine Strategic Holdings Ltd. PO Box 70, c/o Jardine Matheson Ltd,
48/F Jardine House, G Hong Kong
JCG Holdings Ltd. 1105-07 Wing On House, 71 Des Vouex Rd. Central Hong Kong
Jessica Publications Ltd. Unit C 3/F Wah Shing Centre, 5 Fung Yip St.,
Chaiwan Hong Kong
Jetco Technology Ltd. 5th Fl., DJ Bldg., 173 Hoi Bun Rd., Kwun Tong Kowloon
Jiaoda Kunji High-Tech Company Ltd. Level 28, Three Pacific Pl., 1
Queen's Rd. E Hong Kong
JIC Technology Company Ltd. Suites 1506-1508, One Exchange Sq., 8
Connaught Pl. Hong Kong
Jinhui Holdings Company Ltd. 26/F Yardley Commercial Bldg., 1-6
Connaught Rd. W Hong Kong
Jiuzhou Development Company Ltd. Units 3709-3710 37/F W Twr., Shun Tak
Centre, 168-200 Connaught Rd. Cent Sheug Wan - Hong Kong
John Swire and Sons (HK) Ltd. GPO Box 1, 35/F Two Pacific Pl., 88
Queensway Hong Kong
Johnson Electric Holdings Ltd. Johnson Bldg., 6-22 Dai Shun St., Tai
Po Industrial Estate Tai Po - New Territories
Johnson Matthey Hong Kong Ltd. Ste. 2101 CMG Asia Twr., The Gateway,
15 Canton Rd. Tsimshatsui - Kowloon
Joyce Boutique Holdings Ltd. 1/F Joyce Bldg., 38 Wong Chuk Hang Rd. Hong Kong
Junefield Department Store Group 13/F Bnak of E Asia, Harbour View
Centre, 56 Gloucester Rd. Wanchai - Hong Kong
Juniper Networks Hong Kong Ltd. Ste. 1601-06, Natwest Tower, Times
Square, 1 Matheson St. Causeway Bay
K and P International Holdings Ltd. Unit 2304-2306 23/F Riley House,
88 Lei Muk Rd., Kwai Chung New Territories
K Wah International Holdings Ltd. 29/F K Wah Centre, 191 Java Rd., N
Point Hong Kong
K-Tech Development Ltd. Flat f1, 3rd Fl., Hang Fung Industrial Bldg.,
2g Hok Yuen St. Hung Hom
Kader Holdings Company Ltd. 22 Kai Cheung Rd., Kowloon Bay Kowloon
Kamboat Group Company Ltd. Rm. 507 113 Argyle St., Mongkok Kowloon
Kantone Holdings Ltd. 5/F Kantone Centre, 1 Ning Foo St., Chai Wan Hong Kong
Karce International Holdings Company Ltd. Units 1 and 2, 29/F Cable TV
Twr., 9 Hoi Shing Rd. Tsuen Wan - New Territorie
Karl Thomson Holdings Ltd. Unit 801 Twr. One, Lippo Centre, 89 Queensway Hong Kong
Karrie International Holdings Ltd. 10/F SE Industrial Bldg., 611-619
Castle Peak Rd., Tsuen Wan New Territories
Kawasaki Heavy Industries (H.K.) Ltd. 30 Harbour Rd., Sun Hong Kai
Centre, Ste. 4211-16 Wanchai
Kawasaki Heavy Industries (HK) Ltd. Rm. 4211-4216 Sun Hing Kai Centre,
30 Harbour Rd., Wanchai Hong Kong
Kawasho International (Hong Kong) Ltd. 15/F 88 Gloucester Rd., Wanchai Hong Kong
Keck Seng Investments (HK) Ltd. Rm. 2902 W Twr., Shun Tak Centre,
168-200 Connaught Rd. Central Hong Kong
Kee Shing (Holdings) Ltd. 3/F Kee Shing Centre, 74-76 Kimberley Rd.,
Tsimshatsui Kowloon
Kendy Enterprise Ltd. 11/F Block A, Tai Tak Industrial Bldg., 2-12
Kwai Fat Rd. Kwai Chung - New Territori
Kenfair International (Holdings) Ltd. Ste. 2803 Twr. 6 The Gateway,
Harbour City-9 Canton Rd., Tsimshatsui Kowloon
Kenny Packaging Machinery Ltd. Units 2206-7, Honour Industrial Ctr., 6
Sun Yip St. Chai Wan
Kent Engineering Company Ltd. Block 2, 4th Fl., Wah Shing Indu Kwai Chung
Kerry Properties Ltd. 13-14/F Cityplaza 3, 14 Taikoo Wan Rd., Taikoo
Shing Hong Kong
Kian Dai Wools Company Ltd. 27/F Dah Sing Financial Centre, 108
Gloucester Rd. Hong Kong
Kin Yat Holdings Ltd. 7/F Galaxy Factory Bldg., 25-27 Luk Hop St., San
Po Kong Kowloon
Kinetana International Biotech Pharma Ltd. Rm. 112, HK Institute of
Biotechnology, 2 Biotechnology Ave. Shatin - New Territories
King Fook Holdings Ltd. 9/F King Fook Bldg., 30-32 Des Vouex Rd. Central Hong Kong
Kingboard Chemical Holdings Ltd. 5/F Block K Valiant Industrial
Centre, 2-12 Au Pui Wan St., Shatin New Territories
Kingmaker Footwear Holdings Ltd. 17/F Empress Plz., 17-19 Chatham Rd.
S, Tsimshatsui Kowloon
Kingway Brewery Holdings Ltd. 19/F Guangdong Investment Twr., 148
Connaught Rd., Central Hong Kong
Kith Holdings Ltd. 1/F Hing Lung Commercial Bldg., 68 Bonham Strand E Hong Kong
Kiu Hung International Holdings Ltd. 14/F Yale Industrial Centre,
61-63 An Pui Wan St., Fo Tan - Shatin New Territories
Kong Sun Holdings Ltd. 2101-04 21st Fl. Nan Fung Twr., 173 Des Voeux
Rd. Central Central
Konnex International Ltd. Rm. 701, Hilder Centre, 2 Sung Ping St. Hung Hom
Kowloon Development Company Ltd. 23/F Pioneer Centre, 750 Nathan Rd. Kowloon
KPI Company Ltd. Ste. 5606 56/F Central Plz., 18 Harbour Rd., Wanchai Hong Kong
KPMG 8/F Prince's Bldg., 10 Chater Rd., Central Hong Kong
KTP Holdings Ltd. Blk C 1/F, Wong King Industrial Bldg., 2-4 Tai Yau
St. San Po Kong - Kowloon
Kwong Hing International Holdings (Bermuda) Ltd. Units C-D 8/F, Mai
Shun Industrial Bldg., 18-24 Kwai Cheong Rd. Kwai Chung - New
Kwoon Chung Bus Holdings Ltd. 3rd Fl. 8 Chong Fu Rd., Chai Wan Hong Kong
Lai Fung Holdings Ltd. 11/F Lai Sun Commercial Centre, 680 Cheung Sha
Wan Rd. Kowloon
Lai Sun Development Company Ltd. 11/F Lai Sun Commercial Centre, 680
Cheung Sha Wan Rd. Kowloon
Lai Sun Garment (International) Ltd. 11/F Lai Sun Commercial Centre,
680 Cheung Sha Wan Rd. Kowloon
Lam Soon (Hong Kong) Ltd. 21 Dai Fu St., Tai Po Industrial Estate, Tai
Po New Territories
Landune International Ltd. Units 2201-2 ING Twr., 308 Des Voeux Rd.
Central, Sheung Wan Hong Kong
Lane Crawford International Ltd. 23/F Wheelock House, 20 Pedder St. Hong Kong
Laser Computer Ltd. 16th Fl. Metro Centro 1,32 Lam H Kowloon Bay
Le Saunda Holdings Ltd. 30/F Hing Wai Centre, 7 Tin Wan Praya Rd.,
Aberdeen Hong Kong
Leader Instruments (HK) Ltd. Rm. 303-304, New E Ocean Centre, 9
Science Museum Rd. Tsim Sha Tsui
Lee and Man Holding Ltd. 8/F Liven House, 61-63 King Yip St., Kwun Tong Kowloon
Lee Hecht Harrison Pty. Ltd. (China) The Center, 99 Queen's Rd., Ste.
3605, 36F Hong Kong
Lee Hing Development Ltd. Rooms 1506-1507 15/F, 9 Queen's Rd. Central Hong Kong
Leed and Wood Company Ltd. Rm. 1121, 11th Fl. Windsor House Causeway Bay
Leeport (Holdings) Ltd. 1st/F Block 1 Golden Dragon Ind'l Centre,
152-160 Tai Lin Pai Rd., Kwai New Territories
Lei Shing Hong Ltd. 8/F New World Twr. I, 18 Queen's Rd. Central Hong Kong
Leighton Asia (Northern) Ltd. 39/F Sun Hung Kai Centre, 30 Harbour Rd. Hong Kong
Lerado Group (Holding) Company Ltd. Unit 18 17/F China Merchants Twr.,
Shun Tak Centre, 168-200 Connaught Rd Hong Kong
Lernout and Hauspie Speech Products, Hong Kong Office New World Office
Bldg., W Wing, Rm. 525,20 Salisbury Rd. Tsimshatsui Kowloon
LG Philips Displays International Ltd. 99 Queen's Rd., Central, 59th. Fl. Hong Kong
Li and Fung Ltd. 11/F LiFung Twr., 888 Cheung Sha Wan Rd. Kowloon
Li Ning Company Ltd. Suites 2804-5 Shell Twr., Times Sq., Causeway Bay Hong Kong
Lick Sang International Company Ltd. Unit 3605-3607, 36F Metroplaza
Twr. II, 223 Hing Fong Rd. Kwai Fong - New Territorie
LifeTec Group Ltd. Ste. 907-908 9th/Fl Man Yee Bldg., 68 Des Voeux
Rd., Central Hong Kong
Lin's (Kwong Ming) Enterprises Ltd. 5/F Chuan Yuan Bldg., 342-344 Kwun
Tong Rd. Kowloon
Linefan Technology Holdings Ltd. 1901 Henan Bldg., 90 Jaffe Rd., Wanchai Hong Kong
Linfair Engineering Company Ltd. 1908, 19th Fl., Block B, Ming Pao
Industrial Centre, 18 Ka Yip St. Chai Wan
Lingstar Enterprises Ltd. 7th Fl., Pista Bldg., 171 Hoi Bun Rd., Kwun Tong Kowloon
Linmark Group Ltd. 20/F Office Twr. One, The Harbourfront, 18 Tak Fung
St. Hunghom - Kowloon
Lion Home Products (International) Ltd. 5/F Sing Pao Bldg., 101 King's
Rd., N Point Hong Kong
Lippo China Resources Ltd. Rm. 2301-23/F Lippo Twr., Lippo Centre, 89
Queensway Hong Kong
Lippo Ltd. 24/F Twr. One, Lippo Centre, 89 Queensway Hong Kong
Liu Chong Hing Bank Ltd. GF New World Twr. 2, 16-18 Queen's Rd., Central Hong Kong
Liu Chong Hing Investment Ltd. 7/F New World Twr. Two, 18 Queens Rd.,
Central Hong Kong
Logicbase Rm. 1615,16th Fl., Star House,3 Kowloon
Lucky-Axis Ltd. 1506 Metropole Sq., 2 On Yiu St. Shatin
Luk Fook Holdings (International) Ltd. 19/F Sino Centre, 582-592 Nathan Rd. Kowloon
Luks Industrial (Group) Ltd. 5/F Cheong Wah Factory Bldg., 39-41
Sheung Heung Rd., Tokwawan Kowloon
Lung Cheong International Holdings Ltd. Lung Cheong Bldg., 1 Lok Yip
Rd., On Lok Tsuen - Fanling New Territories
Lung Kee (Bermuda) Holdings Ltd. 2/F Cheung Kong Electronic Bldg., 4
Hing Yip St., Kwun Tong Kowloon
LVMH Asia Pacific Ltd. 20/F Dorset House, Taikoo Pl., 979 King's Rd. Hong Kong
M Dream Inworld Ltd. 20th/F Beautiful Group Twr., 77 Connaught Rd.
Central Hong Kong
Mabuchi Industry Company Ltd. 19 Sam Chuk St., San Po Kong Kowloon
Mabuchi Precision Industries Hong Kong Ltd. 19 Sam Chuk St., San Po Kong Kowloon
Mac Zone Hong Kong 14th Fl., Shiu Fung Hong Bldg.,2 Sheung Wan
Macau Success Ltd. Rm. 1002-1005A 10/F, W Twr. Shun Tak Centre, 200
Connaught Rd. Central Hong Kong
Macro-Link International Holdings Ltd. 1503 Top Glory Twr., 262
Gloucester Rd., Causeway Bay Hong Kong
Macrovision Corporation, Greater China Office Unit 301b, 3rd Fl.,
Malaysia Bldg., 50 Gloucester Rd. Hong Kong
MAE Holdings Ltd. Rm. 1001-1007 10/F Lippo Sun Plz., 28 Canton Rd.,
Tsimshatsui Kowloon
Magician Industries (Holdings) Ltd. Flat E-H 24/F Phase II, Superluck
Industrial Centre, 57 Sha Tsui Rd. Tsuen Wan - New Territorie
Magnificent Estates Ltd. 3/F Shun Ho Twr., 24-30 Ice House St., Central Hong Kong
Magnum International Holdings Ltd. 1301A 13/F Bank of America Twr., 12
Harcourt Rd. Central Hong Kong
Mainland Headwear Holdings Ltd. Rooms 1001-1005 10/F Twr. 2,
Enterprise Sq. 1, 9 Shueng Yuet Rd. Kowloon Bay - Kowloon
Man Lin E and M Automation Engineering Company Ltd. Unit A, 14th Fl.,
Block 1, Koon Wah Industrial Bldg., 7-9 Ho Tin St. Tuen Mun
Man Yue International Holdings Ltd. 16/F Yiko Industrial Bldg., 10 Ka
Yip St., Chai Wan Hong Kong
Management Reports International (H.K.) Ltd. Rm. 239, Regus Business
Centre, 2/F Shui On Centre, 8 Harbour Rd. Wanchai
Mandarin Entertainment (Holdings) Ltd. 27/F Chinachem Century Twr.,
178 Gloucester Rd., Wanchai Hong Kong
Mandarin Oriental International Ltd. 281 Gloucester Rd., Causeway Bay Hong Kong
Manli Technology Company Ltd. Unit A NC, 21st Fl., Infotech Ctr., 21
Hung To Rd., Kwun Tong Kowloon
Manulife (International) Ltd. 31/F Manulife Twr., 169 Electric Rd. N
Point Hong Kong
Marantz Asia Unit 1706, Metroplaza Twr. II, 223 Hing Fong Rd. Kwai Fong
Marketa Semi-Conductor Ltd. 4th Fl., Lin Fung Centre, 184-186 Texaco Rd. Tsuen Wan
Mascotte Holdings Ltd. 1/F Po Chai Industrial Bldg., 28 Wong Chuk Hang
Rd., Aberdeen Hong Kong
Massive Resources International Corporation Ltd. Units 1205-6 12/F
Office Twr. Two, The Harbourfront 18-22 Tak Fung St., Kowloon
Matrix Holdings Ltd. Rm. 901 9/F, E Ocean Centre, 98 Granville
Rd. Tsimshatsui East - Kowloon
Matrox Asian Liason Office 12th Fl., Guangdong Investment Twr., 148
Connaught Rd. Central Sheung Wan
Matsunichi Communication Holdings Ltd. 22/F Two international Finance
Centre, 8 Finance St., Central Hong Kong
Mattel East Asia Ltd. 1106 S Twr., World Finance Centre, Harbour
City Tsimshatsui - Hong Kong
Maxplay International Ltd. Rm. 3117-18, 31st Fl., Twr. I, Millennium
City,388 Kwun Tong Rd. Kwun Tong
Maxx Bioscience Holdings Ltd. Rm. 3802 Wu Chung House, 213 Queen's Rd.
E, Wanchai Hong Kong
Maxxium Hong Kong Ltd. 1st Fl. Sunning Plz., 10 Hysan Ave., Causeway Bay Hong Kong
Measurement Ltd. Unit 1003 10/F, Chinachem Golden Plz., 77 Mody Rd.,
Tsimshatsui East Kowloon
Meco International Sources Ltd. Unit C, 14th Fl., Yun Tat Commercial
Bldg., 70-74 Wuhu St., Hung Hum Kowloon
Media Partners International Holdings Inc. 22/F Hang Lung Centre, 2-20
Peterson St., Causeway Bay Hong Kong
MediaNation Inc. Rooms 3507-9, 35/F The Ctr., 99 Queen's Rd. Central Hong Kong
MediaStar Technology Ltd. 8th Fl., Safety Godown Industrial Bldg., 56
Ka Yip St. Chai Wan
Mei Ah Entertainment Group Ltd. Mei Ah Centre, 28 Chun Choi St.,
Tseung Kwan O Industrial Estate Kowloon
Melbourne Enterprises Ltd. 2102-4 Melbourne Plz., 33 Queen's Rd., Central Hong Kong
Melco International Development Ltd. Penthouse 38/F The Centrium, 60
Wyndham St., Central Hong Kong
Mercedes-Benz (China) Ltd. 59/F Central Plz., 18 Harbour Rd., Wanchai Hong Kong
Mercury Interactive (Hong Kong) Ltd. 30 Harbour Rd., Sun Hung Kai
Centre, Rm. 2406-2415, 24/F Wanchai
Meridian VAT Reclaim Hong Kong Ltd. Ste. A ,18th Fl., Heng Shan
Centre, 145 Queen's Rd. E Wanchai
Merrill Lynch (Asia Pacific) Ltd. 17/F Asia Pacific Finance Twr., 3
Garden Rd., Central Hong Kong
Metro Digitech Ltd. Unit G04A Tech Ctr., 72 Tat Chee Ave. Kowloon Tong
Metropolitan Life Insurance Company of Hong Kong 2207-2212 22/F
Miramar Twr., 132 Nathan Rd., Tsimshatsui Kowloon
Metrowerks Hong Kong Silicon Harbour Ctr.,2 Dai King St., Tai Po
Industrial Estate Tai Po
MEVAS Bank Ltd. PO Box 141, 33/F Dah Sing Financial Centre, 108
Gloucester Rd. Hong Kong
Mexan Ltd. 16/F Bank of E Asia Harbour View, 56 Gloucester Rd., Wanchai Hong Kong
Midas International Holdings Ltd. 1/F 100 Texaco Rd., Tsuen Wan New Territories
Midland Holdings Ltd. 2505-2508 25/F World-Wide House, 19 Des Voeux
Rd. Central Hong Kong
Min Xin Holdings Ltd. 17/F Fairmont House, 8 Cotton Tree Dr. Central Hong Kong
Mind Research (HK) Ltd. PO Box 78978, Mongkok Kowloon
Ming Pao Enterprise Corporation Ltd. 15/F Block A, Ming Pao Industrial
Centre, 18 Ka Yip Street-Chai Wan Hong Kong
Mingyuan Medicare Development Company Ltd. Rm. 1801-03 Hutchison
House, 10 Harcourt Rd., Central Hong Kong
Minmetals Resources Ltd. 18/F China Minmetals Twr., 79 Chatham Rd. S,
Tsimshatsui Kowloon
Mirabell International Holdings Ltd. 8/F Wyler Centre Phase II, 200
Tai Lin Pai Rd., Kwai Chung New Territories
Miramar Hotel and Investment Company Ltd. 118-130 Nathan Rd. Kowloon
Mitsuba China (Hong Kong) Ltd. Rm. 905 Cornhill Metro Twr., 1 Cornhill
Rd., Quarry Bay Hong Kong
Mitsubishi Chemical Hong Kong Ltd. Rm. 1303 13/F Twr. 1, Admiralty
Centre, 18 Harcourt Rd. Admiralty - Hong Kong
Mitsubishi Electric (HK) Ltd. 41st/F Manulife Twr., 169 Electric Rd.,
N Point Hong Kong
Mizuho Corporate Bank Limited - Hong Kong 17/F Two Pacific Pl., 88
Queensway Hong Kong
Mobicon Group Ltd. 7/F New Trend Centre, 704 Price Edward Rd. E, San
Po Kong Kowloon
Moiselle International Holdings Ltd. Units 3-6 11/F Kodak House 2, 39
Healthy St. E, N Point Hong Kong
Morning Star Resources Ltd. Rooms 1406A-1406B, 14/F AXA Centre, 151
Gloucester Rd. Hong Kong
Motor Corp. MTR Twr., Telford Plz. Kowloon Bay
Motor Electric Manufacturing Company Ltd. 7/F Block B Edwick
Industrial Centre, 4-30 Lei Muk Rd., Kwai Chung New Territories
Moulin Global Eyecare Holdings Ltd. 4/F Kenning Industrial Bldg., 19
Wang Hoi Rd. Kowloon Bay
MRO Software Hong Kong Ltd. 18/F One International Finance Centre, 1
Harbour View St. Hong Kong
MTU Asia (China) Ltd. G/F 1-3 Wing Yip St., Kwai Chung New Territories
Multifield International Holdings Ltd. 3/F Multifield Centre, 426
Shanghai St. Kowloon
MultiFrame Computer Co. Kinon Commercial Buillding,49-51 Hong Kong
Myrex International Company Ltd. 382 Kwun Tong Rd., Kwun Tong Kowloon
Nagase (Hong Kong) Ltd. Suites 2001-6, Twr. 1, China Hong Kong City
33, Canton Rd. Tsim Sha Tsui
Nam Fong International Holdings Ltd. 1901 19/F Office Twr., Convention
Plz., 1 Harbour Rd. Wanchai
Nam Hing Holdings Ltd. 27/F Yuen Long Trade Centre, 99-109 Castle Peak
Rd., Yuen Long New Territories
Nam Tai Electronic and Electrical Products Ltd. Suites 1506-1508, One
Exchange Sq., 8 Connaught Pl. Hong Kong
Nan Fung Textiles Consolidated Ltd. Rm. 924 Central Bldg., 3 Pedder
St., Central Hong Kong
Nan Hai Corporation Ltd. 39/F New World Twr. I, 16-18 Quenn's Rd. Central Hong Kong
Nan Sing Plastics Ltd. Unit 407-410 4/F Silvercord Twr. 2, 30 Canton
Rd., Tsim Sha Tsui Kowloon
Nanyang Commercial Bank Ltd. 151 Des Voeux Rd., Central Hong Kong
Nanyang Holdings Ltd. Rm. 1808 St. George's Bldg., 2 Ice House St.
Central Hong Kong
National Electronics Holdings Ltd. Ste. 3201 Gooucester Twr., The
Landmark 11 Pedder St., Central Hong Kong
National Semiconductor Corporation - Hong Kong 2501 Miramar Twr., 1
Kimberley Rd., Tsimshatsui Kowloon
Natural Beauty Bio-Technology Ltd. 4/F Mansion House, 74-78 Nathan Rd. Kowloon
Naxos Digital Services Ltd. Level 11, Cyberport 1, 100 Cyberport Rd. Hong Kong
NDS Asia Pacific Limited Hong Kong Ste. 5301, Central Plz.,18 Harbour Rd. Wanchai
NEC Hong Kong Ltd. 25th Fl., The Metropolis Twr., 10 Metropolis Dr.,
Hungham Kowloon
Neo-China Group (Holdings) Ltd. Unit 1908-1909 19/F Office Twr.,
Convention Plz., 1 Harbour Rd. Wanchai-Hong Kong
Neolink Cyber Technology (Holding) Ltd. Rm. 2811 28/F China Merchants
Twr., Shun Tak Centre, 168-200 Connaught R Hong Kong
Nestle Hong Kong Ltd. 28th Fl., Hong Kong Telecom Twr., 979 King's
Rd., G.P.O. Box 351 Quarry Bay
NetDimensions Ltd. 188 Lockhart Rd., 10th flr., Ste Wan Chai
Netlife Hong Kong 2007 Lippo Centre, Twr. 1,89 Queensway Admiralty Hong Kong
Netstal Hongkong Ltd. 15a Comet Commercial Bldg., 42a Wing Hong St.,
Cheung Sha Wan Kowloon
New Asia Realty and Trust Company Ltd. 23/F Wheelock House, 20 Pedder St. Hong Kong
New Capital International Investment Ltd. 41/F Bank of China Twr., 1
Garden Rd., Central Hong Kong
New Century Group Hong Kong Ltd. Unit 3808 38/F W Twr., Shun Tak
Centre, 168-200 Connaught Rd. Central Hong Kong
New City (Beijing) Development Ltd. Rooms 3301 33/F Far E Finance
Centre, 16 Harcourt Rd. Hong Kong
New Island Printing Holdings Ltd. New Island Printing Centre, 38 Wang
Lee St., Yuen Long Industrial Estate New Territories
New Smart Holdings Ltd. Units 903-905A Harcourt House, 39 Gloucester
Rd., Wanchai Hong Kong
New Sound Cassettes Manufacturing Ltd. Rm. 3, 10th Fl., Chai Wan
Industrial City, Phase 1, 60 Wing Tai Rd. Chai Wan
New Times Group Holdings Ltd. Unit 2003-2006 Shui On Centre, 6-8
Harbour Rd., Wanchai Hong Kong
New Universe International Group Ltd. Rooms 2110-2112 Telford House,
16 Wang Hoi Rd., Kowloon Bay Kowloon
New World China Land Ltd. 9/F New World Twr. 1, 18 Queen's Rd. Central Hong Kong
New World CyberBase Ltd. 21/F Asia Orient Twr., Twr. Pl., 33 Lockhart
Rd. Wanchai - Hong Kong
New World Development Company Ltd. 30/F New World Twr., 18 Queen's Rd.
Central Hong Kong
New World Mobile Holdings Ltd. 21/F Asia Orient Twr., Town Pl. - 33
Lockhart Rd., Wanchai Hong Kong
New World TMT Ltd. Rm. 2008 20th/F New World Twr. 1, 18 Queen's Rd.
Central Hong Kong
Newocean Green Holdings Ltd. Ste. A 8/F Bank of E Asia, Harbour View
Centre, 56 Gloucester Rd. Wanchai - Hong Kong
Next Media Ltd. 8 Chun Ying St., Tseung Kwan O Industrial Estate,
Tseung Kwan O New Territories
Ngai Hing Hong Company Ltd. Unit 3-6/F Hopeful Factory Centre, 10 Wo
Shing St., Fo Tan New Territories
Ngai Lik Industrial Holdings Ltd. Flat 29-32 8/F Block B, Focal
Industrial Centre, 21 Man Lok St. Hunghom - Kowloon
Nichicon (Hong Kong) Ltd. Unit 308-Harbour Centre Twr. I, 1 Hok Cheung
St., Hunghom Kowloon
Nippon Asia Investments Holdings Ltd. 31/F Shui On Centre, 6-8 Harbour
Rd., Wanchai Hong Kong
Nippon Express (HK) Company Ltd. 5th F Office Twr., 18 Container Port
Rd., S Kwai Chung New Territories
Nissan Motor (China) Ltd. Rm. 3302B 33/F, Hennessy Centre-East Wing,
500 Hennessy Road-Causeway Ba Hong Kong
Noble Group Ltd. 18/F MassMutual Twr., 38 Gloucester Rd. Hong Kong
Nomura International (Hong Kong) Ltd. 30/F Two International Finance
Centre, 8 Finance St., Central Hong Kong
Nority International Group Ltd. 12/F Parkes Commercial Centre, 2-8
Parkes St., Tsimshatsui Kowloon
Norsk Hydro (Far East) Ltd. 23 Harbour Rd., Ste. 1401, Great Eagle Centre Wanchai
Northern International Holdings Ltd. Block A 2/F, 7 Cheung Lee St.,
Chaiwan Hong Kong
Novell Hong Kong Ltd. 26 Harbour Rd., Rm 4601-5, China Resources Bldg. Hong Kong
NSK Hong Kong Ltd. Rm. 512 Wing On Plz., Tsimshatsui E Kowloon
NTT (Hong Kong) Ltd. 15/F., Twr. 2, Ever Gain Plz., 88 Container Potr
Rd. Kwai Chung
NUTS Technologies Eight Plz., 8 Sunning Rd.,12th F Kowloon
NWS Holdings Ltd. 28/F New World Twr. 2, 18 Queen's Rd. Central Hong Kong
Ocean Grand Chemicals Holdings Ltd. Workshop Unit No. 4, 5/F Harbour
Centre Twr. 1, 1 Hok Cheung St. - Hung Kowloon
Ocean Grand Holdings Ltd. Rm. 2805 28/F Twr. I, Admiralty Centre, 18
Harcourt Rd. Central Hong Kong
ODC Nimbus - Asia Pacific 18b The Casey Bldg., 38 Lok Ku Rd. Sheung Wan
ODME Asia Units 2019-2025, 20th Fl., Twr. 1, Metro Plz., 223 Hing Fong
Rd. Kwai Fong
Omnicorp Ltd. Suites 904-905, 9/F Dah Sing Financial Centre, 108
Gloucester Rd. Wanchai - Hong Kong
ONFEM Holdings Ltd. 18/F China Minmetals Twr., 79 Chatham Rd. S,
Tsimshatsui Kowloon
Orient Industries Holdings Ltd. Suites 5303-4 53/F Central Plz., 18
Harbour Rd., Wanchai Hong Kong
Orient Overseas (International) Ltd. 33/F Harbour Centre, 25 Harbour
Rd., Wanchai Hong Kong
Orient Power Holdings Ltd. Unit 7-3/F Harbour Centre, Twr. 1-1 Hok
Cheung St., Hunghom Kowloon
Orient Resources Group Company Ltd. Rm. 521 S Block, 5/F Kwai Shun
Industrial Centre, 51-63 Container Port R Kwai Chung - New Territori
Oriental Explorer Holdings Ltd. 2/F Multifield Centre, 54 Wong Chuk
Hang Rd. Kowloon
Oriental Investment Corporation Ltd. Rm. 904-5 Great Eagle Centre, 23
Harbour Rd., Wanchai Hong Kong
Oriental Press Group Ltd. Oriental Press Centre, 23 Dai Cheong St.,
Tai Po Industrial Estate Kowloon Bay
Oriental Watch Holdings Ltd. 312-8 China Insurance Group Bldg., 141
Des Voeux Rd. Central Hong Kong
OSRAM Prosperity Company Ltd. Rooms 4007-4009 Office Twr., Convention
Plz., 1 Harbour Rd. Wanchai - Hong Kong
Oxford University Press (China) Ltd. 18th Fl., Warwick House E, Taikoo
Pl., 979 King's Rd. Quarry Bay
Pacific Andes International Holdings Ltd. Rooms 3201-3210, Hong Kong
Plz., 188 Connaught Rd. W Hong Kong
Pacific Century Insurance Holdings Ltd. 14/F One Pacific Pl., 88
Queensway, Admiralty Hong Kong
Pacific Century Premium Developments Ltd. Units 701-705 7/F Cyberport
3, 100 Cyberport Rd. Hong Kong
Pacific Plywood Holdings Ltd. Rm. 1802, 88 Gloucester Rd., Wanchai Hong Kong
Packard Bell Hong Kong 501, Ocena Centre, Harbour City, Kowloon
PacMOS Technologies Holdings Ltd. 27th/F Cambridge House, Taikoo Pl.,
979 King's Rd. Island East
PacRim Technologies Ltd. 23rd Fl. Connaught Commercial Bl Hong Kong
Pak Fah Yeow International Ltd. 11th/F The Sun's Group Centre, 200
Goucester Rd. Hong Kong
Pak Tak International Ltd. Units 404-411 4/F, Fanling Industrial
Centre, 21 On Kui Street-On Lok Ts Fanling - New Territories
Paladin Ltd. 45/F Convention Plz. Office Twr., 1 Harbour Rd., Wanchai Hong Kong
Paliburg Holdings Ltd. 18/F Paliburg Plz., 68 Yee Wo St., Causeway Bay Hong Kong
Pan Tran Technology Ltd. Unit C and D, 2nd Fl., Wong Tze Bldg., 71 Hoi
Yuen Rd., Kwun Tong Kowloon
Panorama International Holdings Ltd. 8th F Mita Centre, 552-556 Castle
Peak Rd., Kwai Chung New Territories
Panva Gas Holdings Ltd. 28/F Vicwood Plz., 199 Des Voeux Rd. Central Hong Kong
Park Management Ltd. 61-65 Chatham Rd. S, Tsimshatsui Kowloon
Paul Y. Engineering Group Ltd. 31/F Paul and Centre, 51 Hung To Rd.,
Kwun Tong Kowloon
Peace Mark (Holdings) Ltd. Unit 3-12/F Cheung Fung Bldg., 23-39 Pak
Tin Par St., Tsuen Wan New Territories
Peaktop International Holdings Ltd. 16/F Twr. II, Enterprise Sq., 9
Sheung Yuet Rd. Kowloon
Pearl Oriental Enterprises Ltd. Ste. 1908 19/F 9 Queen's Rd., Central Hong Kong
Pearl River Tyre (Holdings) Ltd. Rm. 2001 Central Plz., 18 Harbour
Rd., Wanchai Hong Kong
Pegasus International Holdings Ltd. Rm. 1517 Twr. 3, China Hong Kong
City, 33 Canton Rd. Tsimshatsui - Kowloon
Peking Apparel International Group Ltd. Unit 1 5/F Twr. I, N Wing
Harbour Centre, 1 Hok Cheung St. Hunghom - Kowloon
Perennial International Ltd. Units 2002-2006 20/F Greenfield Twr.,
Concordia Plz., 1 Science Museum R Tsimshatsui - Kowloon
Perfect Disc Production Co. Rm. 908 9/F Block A Dragon Industrial
Bldg., 93-95 King Lam St., Lai Chi Kowloon
Perfectech International Holdings Ltd. 3/F Perfectech Centre, 64 Wong
Chuk Hang Rd., Aberdeen Hong Kong
Perfekta Enterprises Ltd. 25 Cheong Yip St., Kwun Tong, Kowloon Hong Kong
Persistence Software Ste. 6504, 65th Fl., Central Plz.,18 Harbour Rd. Wanchai
Phoenix Satellite Television Holdings Ltd. 9/F Office Twr. One, The
Harbourfront, 18-22 Tak Fung St-Hunghom Kowloon
Pico Far East Holdings Ltd. Pico House, 4 Dai Fu St., Tai Po
Industrial Estate New Territories
PINE Technology Holdings Ltd. Units 5507-10 Hopewell Centre, 183
Queen's Rd. E Hong Kong
Pioneer Global Group Ltd. Suites 01-03 30/F Office Twr., Convention
Plz., 1 Harbour Rd. Wanchai - Hong Kong
Pioneer Industrial Co. Unit 22, 15th Fl., Well Fung Industrial
Centre,58-76 Ta Chuen Ping St. Kwai Chung
Piovan Hong Kong Ltd. 19th Fl., Kolling Centre, 77 Granville Rd. Tsim Sha Tsui
Plantronics Hong Kong Ste. 1111, Twr. II Silvercord Bldg.,30 Canton
Rd., Tsim Sha Tsui Kowloon
Playmates Holdings Ltd. 21/F The Toy House, 100 Canton Rd., Tsimshatsui Kowloon
Plus Holdings Ltd. Rm. C 7th Fl. Sun House, 90 Connaught Rd. Central Hong Kong
Po Fung Precision Mfy Ltd. Block B, 16th Fl., Sunrise Industrial
Bldg., 10 Hong Man St. Chaiwan
Pokfulam Development Company Ltd. 23/F Beverly House, 93 Lockhart Rd.,
Wanchai Hong Kong
Poly (Hong Kong) Investments Ltd. 2503 Admiralty Centre-Tower I, 18
Harcourt Rd., Admiralty Hong Kong
Poly Investments Holdings Ltd. Suites 1502-3, 15/F Great Eagle Centre,
23 Harbour Rd. Wanchai - Hong Kong
Polyec Asset Holdings Ltd. 23/F Pioneer Centre, 750 Nathan Rd. Kowloon
Polygram Far East 19th Fl. Railway Plz.,39 Chatham Kowloon
Power-One Ltd. 25 Canton Rd., Ste. 1907, Twr. 1, The Gateway, Tsimshatsui Kowloon
Premium Land Ltd. Rm. 2906-8 Shui On Centre, 6-8 Harbour Rd., Wanchai Hong Kong
PRG-Schultz International Pte. Ltd. Unit 1505, Grand Millenium Plaza,
No. 181 Queen's Rd. Central
PricewaterhouseCoopers 22/F Prince's Bldg., 10 Chater Rd., Central Hong Kong
Prime Investments Holdings Ltd. Rm. 504 5/F, 34-37 Connaught Rd., Central Hong Kong
Prime Success International Group Ltd. Rm. 608 Austin Twr., 22-26A
Austine Ave., Tsimshatsui Kowloon
Proactive Technology Holdings Ltd. Units 2009-2018 20/F Shui On
Centre, 6-8 Harbour Rd., Wanchai Hong Kong
Promise (Hong Kong) Company Ltd. 14/F Luk Kwok Centre, 72 Gloucester
Rd., Wanchai Hong Kong
Prosperity International Holdings (HK) Ltd. 10/F Prosperity Industrial
Bldg., 89 Wai Yip St., Kwun Tong Kowloon
Prosperity Investment Holdings Ltd. Rm. A 11th Fl., Fortune House, 61
Connaught Rd. Central Central
Prosten Technology Holdings Ltd. Rm. 1506 15th/F Tai Tung Bldg., 8
Fleming Rd., Wanchai Hong Kong
ProSticks International Holdings Ltd. 15/F Asia Financial Centre, 120
Des Voeux Rd. Central Hong Kong
Proview International Holdings Ltd. Unit 901 9/F Paul and Centre, 51
Hung To Rd., Kwun Tong Kowloon
PYI Corporation Ltd. 31/F Paul Y Centre, 51 Hung To Rd., Kwung Tong Kowloon
Pyxis Group Ltd. Ste. 2808 28/F Two International Finance Centre, 8
Finance St., Central Hong Kong
Q9 Technology Holdings Ltd. 22/F Asia Orient Twr., Town Pl., 33
Lockhart Rd. Wanchai - Hong Kong
Qianlong Technology International Holdings Ltd. Unit 4B, 12/F Lippo
Centre Twr. II, 89 Queensway-Admiralty Hong Kong
QPL International Holdings Ltd. Unit F 17th Fl. CDW Bldg., 388 Castle
Peak Rd., Tsuen Wan New Territories
Qualidux Industrial Company Ltd. 13/F Tin Fung Industrial Bldg., 63
Wong Chuk Hang Rd., Aberdeen Hong Kong
Qualipak International Holdings Ltd. 7/F China United Centre, 28
Marble Rd., N Point Hong Kong
Quality HealthCare Asia Ltd. 6/F China Merchants Steam Navigation
Bldg., 303-307 Des Voeux Rd. Centra Hong Kong
Quam Ltd. Rm. 1005-1008, 10/F Man Yee Bldg., 68 Des Voeux Rd. Central Hong Kong
Quantel Asia Pacific Ltd. 2001 Shui On Centre,6-8 Harbour Rd. Hong Kong
Raymond Industrial Ltd. Rooms 1801-1813 18/F, Grandtech Centre, 8 On
Ping St. Shatin - New Territories
RBI Holdings Ltd. 7/F Twr. 1 S Seas Centre, 75 Mody Rd., Tsimshatsui E Kowloon
RCBC International Finance Ltd. 9/F Chuang's Twr., 30-32 Connaught Rd.
Central Hong Kong
Recruit Holdings Ltd. 26/F 625 King's Rd., N Point Hong Kong
Reed Exhibitions Ltd. 19th Fl.,8 Commercial Twr.,8 Sun Yip St. Chai Wan
Regal Hotels International 18/F Paliburg Plz., 68 Yee Wo St., Causeway
Bay Hong Kong
Regent Pacific Group Ltd. 904-6 Asia Pacific Finance Twr., 3 Garden
Rd., Central Hong Kong
RENREN Holdings Ltd. 2502B Admiralty Centre, 18 Harcourt Rd. Hong Kong
Resources Connection (HK) Ltd. Citibank Twr., Ste. 3201, Citibank
Plaza, 3 Garden Rd. Hong Kong
Rexcapital Financial Holdings Ltd. Ste. 3401 34/F COSCO Twr., Grand
Millennium Plz., 183 Queen's Rd. Centra Hong Kong
Riche Monde Hong Kong Ltd. 15F Dorset House/Taikoo Pl., 979 King's
Rd., Quarry Bay Hong Kong
Riche Multi-Media Holdings Ltd. Units 609-610 6/F Miramar Twr., 132
Nathan Rd., Tsimshatsui Kowloon
Rising Development Holdings Ltd. 16/F World Tech Centre, 95 How Ming
St., Kwun Tong Kowloon
Rivera (Holdings) Ltd. 22/F AIA Plz., 18 Hysan Ave., Causeway Bay Hong Kong
Road King Infrastructure Ltd. Ste. 501 5/F Twr. 6, The Gateway 9
Canton Rd., Tsimshatsui Kowloon
Roadshow Holdings Ltd. 1 Po Lun St., Lai Chi Kok Kowloon
Robert Bosch Company Ltd. 21/F 625 King's Rd., N Point Hong Kong
Rojam Entertainment Holdings Ltd. Unit 2403 24/F Twr. II, Lippo
Centre, 89 Queensway Hong Kong
Royal Skandia 24th Fl. Henley Bldg., 5 Queen's Rd., Central Hong Kong
Rush Land Ltd. Rm. 1807, Twr. A, New Trade Plz., 6 On Ping St. Shatin
S.A. S.A. International Holdings Ltd. 14/F Block B, MP Industrial
Centre, 18 Ka Yip St. Chaiwan - Hong Kong
S.A.S. Dragon Holdings Ltd. Rm. 601-3 Twr. B, Hunghom Commercial
Centre, 37 Ma Tau Wai Rd. Kowloon
Safety Godown Company Ltd. 19/F Lu Plz., 2 Wing Yip St., Kwun Tong Kowloon
Saitron Technology Ltd. Flat B, 11th Fl., Chaiwan Industrial Centre,
No. 20 Lee Chung St. Hong Kong
Salon Films (HK) Ltd. 6 Devon Rd., Kowloon Tong Kowloon
Salton Hong Kong Ltd. Rm. 704, Block A, Po Lung Centre, 11 Wang Chiu
Rd. Kowloon Bay
Same Time Holdings Ltd. 17/F Phase 1, Kingsford Industrial Bldg.,
26-32 Kwai Hei St. Kwai Chung - New Territori
Samson Paper Holdings Ltd. 3/F Seapower Industrial Centre, 177 Hoi Bun
Rd., Kwun Tong Kowloon
San Miguel Brewery Hong Kong Ltd. 9/F Citimark Bldg., 28 Yuen Shun
Circuit-Siu Lek Yuen, Shatin New Territories
Sanden International (China) Company Ltd. Rm. 2002 W Twr., Shun Tak
Centre, 200 Connaught Rd. Hong Kong
SANYO Commercial Refrigeration International Company Ltd. Ste. 15,
8/F., Block B, Sea View Estate, 2-8, Watson Rd. North Point
Sanyo Electric (Hong Kong) Ltd. - SSM Div. 3rd Fl. China Aerospace
Centre, 143 Hoi Bun Rd., Kwun Tong Hong Kong
SANYO Electronics (Hong Kong) Ltd. 3rd Fl., China Aerospace Centre,
143 Hoi Bun Rd., Kwun Tong Kowloon
SANYO Semiconductor Electronics (H.K) Company Ltd. Rm. 510C, Harbour
Crystal Centre, 100 Granville Rd., Tsimshatsui E Kowloon
Sanyuan Group Ste. 1429 14/F Ocean Centre, 5 Canton Rd., Tsimshatsui Kowloon
Satellite Devices Corp. Unit 5 20/F Jupiter Twr., 9 Jupiter Rd., N Point Hong Kong
Scanavo Manufacturing Hong Kong Ltd. 10th Fl., Winsome House, 73
Wyndham St. Hong Kong
Schroders Asia Ltd. 19/F Two Exchange Sq., 8 Connaught Pl., Central Hong Kong
SCMP Group Ltd. Morning Post Centre, 22 Dai Fat St., Tai Po Industrial
Estate New Territories
SEA Holdings Ltd. 26/F Dah Sing Financial Centre, 108 Gloucester Rd.,
Wanchai Hong Kong
Seapower Resources International Ltd. Rm. 3409 Office Twr., Convention
Plz., Wanchai Hong Kong
See Corporation Ltd. 2/F Talon Twr., 38 Connaught Rd. W Hong Kong
SEEC Media Group Ltd. Rm. 2502 Alexandra House, 16-20 Chater Rd., Central Hong Kong
Sefar Asia Pacific Company Ltd. Rm. 2301-3, Twr. One, Ever Gain Plz.,
88 Container Port Rd. Kwai Chung
Sekisui (Hong Kong) Ltd. 8/F 111 Leighton Rd., Causeway Bay Hong Kong
Semtech International Holdings Rm. 2610 26/F CCT Telecom Bldg., 11 Wo
Shin St. - Fotan, Shatin New Territories
SERICOL (Hong Kong) Ltd. Block a and b, 3rd Fl., Bold Win Industrial
Bldg., 16-18 Wah Sing St. Kwai Chung
Sewco International Holdings Ltd. 18/F Wing Wong Commercial Bldg.,
557-559 Nathan Rd., Yaumatei Kowloon
Shang Hua Holdings Ltd. Unit 1601 16/F Cosco Twr., 183 Queen's Rd.
Central, Sheung Wan Kowloon
Shanghai Allied Cement Ltd. Rm. 2602 26/F China Online Centre, 333
Lockhart Rd., Wanchai Hong Kong
Shanghai Century Holdings Ltd. Unit 6108 61/F The Centre, 99 Queen's
Rd. Central Hong Kong
Shanghai Commercial Bank Ltd. 12 Queen's Rd., Central Hong Kong
Shanghai Industrial Holdings Ltd. 26/F Harcourt House, 39 Gloucester Rd. Hong Kong
Shanghai International Shanghai Growth Investment Ltd. Ste. 4412-4413
Cosco Twr., Grand Millenium Plz., 183 Queen's Rd. Central Hong Kong
Shanghai Merchants Holdings Ltd. Rooms 2808-10 28th Fl., Wing On
House, 71 Des Voeux Rd. Central
Shanghai Real Estate Ltd. 36/F Times Twr., 391-407 Jaffe Rd., Wanchai Hong Kong
Shangri-La Asia Ltd. 21/F CITIC Twr., 1 Tim Mei Ave. Central Hong Kong
Sharp-Roxy (Hong Kong) Ltd. Rm. 1701 Twr. 1, Admiralty Centre, 18
Harcourt Rd. Hong Kong
Shaw Brothers (Hong Kong) Ltd. Lot 220, Clear Water Bay Rd. Kowloon
Shell Electric Manufacturing (Holdings) Company Ltd. Shell Industrial
Bldg., 12 Lee Chung St., Chaiwan Hong Kong
Shenyin Wanguo (HK) Ltd. 28/F Citibank Twr., Citibank Plz., 3 Garden
Rd. Central Hong Kong
Shenzhen Donjin Communication Tech Company Ltd. Rm. 803A 8/F Far E
Consortium Bldg., 121 Des Voeux Rd., Central Hong Kong
Shenzhen High-Tech Holdings Ltd. Units 1904-1906 Harbour Centre, 25
Harbour Rd., Wanchai Hong Kong
Shenzhen International Holdings Ltd. 22/F Greenfield Twr., Concordia
Plaza-1 Science Museum Rd., Tsimshatsui Kowloon
Shenzhen Investment Ltd. 8/F New E Ocean Centre, 9 Science Museum Rd.,
Tsimshatsui Kowloon
SHI Plastics Machinery (Hong Kong) Ltd. Rm. 601 6th/F Telford House,
12-16 Wang Hoi Rd. Kowloon Bay
Shimao International Holdings Ltd. Unit 4307-12 43/F Office Twr.,
Convention Plz., 1 Harbour Road-Wanchai Hong Kong
Shimizu Corporation Hong Kong Rm. 1903 Ever Gain Plz. Twr. 1, 88
Container Port Rd., Kwai Chung New Territories
Shinwa International Holdings Ltd. 19/F CCT Telecom Bldg., 11 Wo Shing
St., Fo Tan - Shatin New Territories
Shougang Concord Century Holdings Ltd. 6/F Bank of E Asia Centre,
51-57 Gloucester Rd. Wanchai - Hong Kong
Shougang Concord Grand (Group) Ltd. 6/F Bank of E Asia, Harbour View
Centre, 56 Gloucester Rd. Wanchai - Hong Kong
Shougang Concord International Enterprises Company Ltd. 7/F Bank of E
Asia Harbour View Centre, 56 Gloucester Rd., Wanchai Hong Kong
Shougang Concord Technology Holdings Ltd. Units 4-9 and 15-18, 10/F
Honour Industrial Centre, 6 Sun Yip Street-Cha Hong Kong
Shui On Construction and Materials Ltd. 34/F Shui On Centre, 6-8
Harbour Rd. Kowloon
Shun Cheong Holdings Ltd. Block C 9/F, Hong Kong Spinners Industrial
Bldg., Phase VI, 481-483 Cast Kowloon
Shun Ho Resources Holdings Ltd. 3/F Shun Ho Twr., 24-30 Ice House St.,
Central Hong Kong
Shun Ho Technology Holdings Ltd. 3/F Shun Ho Twr., 24-30 Ice House
St., Central Hong Kong
Shun Tak Holdings Ltd. 39/F Shun Tak Centre, 200 Connaught Rd. Central Hong Kong
Sichuan Expressway Company Ltd. Level 28, Three Pacific Pl., 1 Queen's
Rd. E Hong Kong
Siebel Systems Hong Kong Ltd. 2nd Fl., Shui On Centre,6-8 Harbour Rd. Wanchai
Siemens Building Technologies (Hong Kong/China) Ltd. 10th Fl. China
Resource Bldg., 26 Harbour Rd. WAnchai
Siemens Hong Kong Ltd. 58/F Central Plz., 18 Harbour Rd., Wanchai Hong Kong
Sigma Designs (Asia) Ltd. Unit 1516, Twr. 1, Metroplaza, 223 Hing Fong
Rd. Kwai Fong
Signal Media and Communications Holdings Ltd. Unit 908 9/F K Wah
Centre, 191 Java Rd., N Point Hong Kong
SIIC MedTech 26/F Harcourt House, 39 Gloucester Rd., Wanchai Hong Kong
SIL-Metropole International Ltd. 15th Fl. Sunbeam Comm Bldg.,469 Kowloon
Silver Grant International Industries Ltd. Ste. 4901 49/F Office Twr.,
Convention Plz., 1 Harbour Road-Wanchai Hong Kong
SilverPlatter Information (Hong Kong) Ltd. 2802-2804 Admiralty Centre,
Twr. 1, 18 Harcourt Rd. Hong Kong
Sime Darby China Ltd. 28/F E Wing-Hennessy Centre, 500 Hennessy Rd.,
Causeway Bay Hong Kong
Simsen International Corporation Ltd. 26th Fl. Top Glory Twr., 262
Gloucester Rd., Causeway Bay Hong Kong
Sincere Company Limited, The 24/F Leighton Centre, 77 Leighton Rd. Hong Kong
Sing Lee Software (Group) Ltd. 32/F Morrison Plz., 5-9A Morrison Hill
Rd., Wanchai Hong Kong
Sing Tao News Corporation Ltd. Sing Tao Bldg., 1 Wang Kwong Rd.,
Kowloon Bay Kowloon
Singamas Container Holdings Ltd. 19th Fl. Dah Sing Financial Centre,
108 Gloucester Rd. Hong Kong
Sino Biopharmaceutical Ltd. Unit 09 41/F Office Twr., Convention Plz.,
1 Harbour Rd. Wanchai - Hong Kong
Sino Gas Group Ltd. Ste. 2002 Fairmont House, 8 Cotton Tree Dr.,
Admiralty Hong Kong
Sino Golf Company Ltd. 19/F Delta House, 3 On Yiu St., Shatin New Territories
Sino Hotels (Holdings) Ltd. 12/F Tsim Sha Tsui Centre, Salisbury Rd.,
Tsim Sha Tsui Kowloon
Sino Land Company Ltd. 11-12/F Tsim Sha Tsui Centre, Salisbury Rd.,
Tsim Shat Sui Kowloon
Sino Prosper Holdings Ltd. Units D-E 7/F Neich Twr., 128 Gloucester
Rd., Wanchai Hong Kong
Sino Union Petroleum and Chemical International Ltd. Rm. 4605-7, 46/F
Far E Finance Centre, 16 Harcourt Rd. Admiralty - Hong Kong
Sino United Electronic Publishing Ltd. 8th Fl. Eastern Central Plz.,3
Yiu Hing Rd. Shau Kei Wan
Sino-i Technology Ltd. 39/F New World Twr., 16-18 Queen's Rd., Central Hong Kong
Sinochem Hong Kong Holdings Ltd. Unit 4603 46/F Office Twr.,
Convention Plz., 1 Harbour Rd. Wanchai - Hong Kong
Sinodata Resources (HK) Ltd. 4404 China Resources Bldg.,26 Ha Hong Kong
Sinolink Worldwide Holdings Ltd. 28/F Vicwood Plz., 199 Des Voeux Rd.
Central Hong Kong
Sinopec Kantons Holdings Ltd. 1608 Citicorp Centre, 18 Whitfield Rd.,
Causeway Bay Hong Kong
Sinotronics Holdings Ltd. Rm. 1805 18/F Harbour Centre, 25 Harbour
Rd., Wanchai Hong Kong
SIS International Holdings Ltd. 301 Eastern Harbour Centre, 28 Hoi
Chak St., Quarry Bay Hong Kong
Skandia Global Funds (Asia Pacific) Ltd. Ste. 1711-1714 Jardine House,
1 Connaught Pl., Central Hong Kong
Sky Hawk Computer Group Holdings Ltd. Ste. 301 Twr. A, Hung Hom
Commercial Centre, 39 Ma Tau Wai Rd. Kowloon
Skyworth Digital Holdings Ltd. Rm. 1601-04 Westlands Centre, 20
Westlands Rd., Quarry Bay Hong Kong
Slitech Ltd. Unit 7, 7th Fl., Block B, MP Industrial Centre, 18 Ka Yip St. Chai Wan
SmarTone Telecommunications Holdings Ltd. 31/F JOS Twr. Millennium
City 2, 378 Kwun Tung Rd., Kwun Tong Kowloon
SmartTrust Ltd. Rm. 902-903, 9th Fl., CyberPort 2, 100 CyberPort Rd. Pokfulam
SMC Pneumatics (Hong Kong) Ltd. 29F Clifford Centre, 778-784 Cheung
Sha Wan Rd. Kowloon
SMI Corporation Ltd. 26/F Asia Orient Twr., 33 Lockhart Rd., Wanchai Kowloon
Snell and Wilcox (Hong Kong) Ltd. Unit E, 10th Fl., China Overseas
Bldg., 139 Hennessy Rd. Wanchai
SNP Leefung Holdings Ltd. Rm. 1001-3, 10/F Wing On House, 71 Des Voeux
Rd. Central Hong Kong
Societe Generale Asia Ltd. Level 38 Three Pacific Pl., 1 Queen's Rd. E Hong Kong
Softbank Investment International (Strategic) Ltd. 2-5/F SBI Centre,
56 Des Voeux Rd. Central Hong Kong
Solartech International Holdings Ltd. 2/F Kingsford Industrial Centre,
13 Wang Hoi Rd. Kowloon Bay - Kowloon
Soluteck Holdings Ltd. Rm. 1004 SUP Twr., 75-83 King's Rd., N Point Hong Kong
Sompo Japan Reinsurance Company Ltd. 1901 Lincoln House, Taikoo Pl.,
979 King's Road-Island E Hong Kong
Sonopress Pan Asia Ltd. No. 9 Dai Hei St., Tai Po Industrial Estate Tai Po
Sony Music Entertainment (Hong Kong) Ltd. Manufacturing Operations,
5th Fl., YKK Bldg., Phase III, 7 San Ping Curc Teun Mun
Soundwill Holdings Ltd. 21/F Soundwill Plz., 38 Russell St., Causeway Bay Hong Kong
South China Brokerage Company Ltd. 28/F Bank of China Twr., 1 Garden
Rd., Central Hong Kong
South China Holdings Ltd. 28/F Bank of China Twr., 1 Garden Rd., Central Hong Kong
South China Industries Ltd. 28/F Bank of China Twr., 1 Garden Rd.,
Central Hong Kong
South China Morning Post Publishers Ltd. 16th Fl. Somerset House,
Taikoo Pl.,979 King's Rd. Quarry Bay Hong Kong
South East Group Ltd. 02-03 9th Fl. Wyndham Pl., 44 Wyndham St., Central Hong Kong
South Sea Petroleum Holdings Ltd. Unit 6605-06 66/F The Centre, 99
Queen's Rd. Central Hong Kong
Southeast Asia Properties and Finance Ltd. 2/F Dragon House, 7 Cameron
Rd., Tsimshatsui Kowloon
Sowah (HK) Ltd. Unit 8 and 10, 3rd Fl., Block B, Tonic Industrial
Centre, 19 Lam Hing St Kowloon Bay
Special Zone Technology Ltd. Unit 1013, 10/P, Concordia Plz. 1 Science
Museum Rd. Tsim Sha Tsui
Springer-Verlag Hong Kong Ltd. Unit 1702, Twr. 1, Enterprise Sq.,9
Sheung, Yuen Rd., Kowloon Bay Kowloon
Standard Chartered Bank (Hong Kong) Ltd. 32nd Fl. Standard Chartered
Bank Bldg., 4-4A Des Voeux Rd., Central Hong Kong
Star Cruises Ltd. Ste. 1501 Ocean Centre, 5 Canton Rd., Tsimshatsui Kowloon
Starbow Holdings Ltd. Unit 905 9th Fl. Asia Orient Twr., 33 Lockhart
Rd., Wanchai Hong Kong
Starlight International Holdings Ltd. 5/F Shing Dao Industrial Bldg.,
232 Aberdeen Main Rd. Hong Kong
Starlite Holdings Ltd. 3/F Perfect Industrial Bldg., 31 Tai Yau St.,
Sanpokong Kowloon
Start Well Industrial Ltd. Unit 3, 1/F, Block B, Hoi Luen Industrial
Centre, 55 Hoi Yuen Rd. Kwun Tong
Stelux Holdings International Ltd. 27/F Stelux House, 698 Prince
Edward Rd. E, San Po Kong Kowloon
Stone Group Holdings Ltd. 27/F K Wah Centre, 191 Java Rd., N Point Hong Kong
Styland Holdings Ltd. 13/F Edward Wong Twr., 910 Cheung Sha Wan Rd. Kowloon
Sun East Technology (Holdings) Ltd. Unit H4 1/F Phase 4, Kwun Tong
Industrial Centre, 436-446 Kwun Tong Rd. Kwun Tong- Kowloon
Sun Hing Vision Group Holdings Ltd. 1001C 10/F Sunbeam Centre, 27
Shing Yip St., Kwun Tong Kowloon
Sun Hung Kai and Company Ltd. Level 12, One Pacific Pl., 88 Queensway Hong Kong
Sun Hung Kai Properties Ltd. 45/F Sun Hung Kai Centre, 30 Harbour Rd.,
Wanchai Hong Kong
Sun Innovation Holdings Ltd. 1-2/F On Yip Factory Bldg., 33 Ivy St.,
Tai Kok Tsui Kowloon
Sun Life Financial (Hong Kong) Ltd. 18/F One Exchange Sq., Central Hong Kong
Sun Man Tai Holdings Ltd. Flat A 23/F Empire Land Commercial Centre,
83 Lockhart Rd., Wanchai Hong Kong
SunCorp Technologies Ltd. 213 Queen's Rd. E, Wanchai Hong Kong
SUNeVision Holdings Ltd. MEGATOP, 399 Chai Wan Rd., Chai Wan Hong Kong
Sunway International Holdings Ltd. Rm. 1708-1710 Nan Fung Centre,
264-298 Castle Peak Rd., Tsuen Wan New Territories
Superbase Industrial Ltd. 7th Fl., Pista Bldg., 171 Hoi Bun Rd., Kwun Tong Kowloon
Superior Technology (HK) Ltd. Unit 2305, Temson Plz.,161 Way Yit 3 Kwun Tong
Suwa International Holdings Ltd. Unit 8B 6/F Block B, Hoplite
Industrial Centre, 3-5 Wang Tai Rd. Kowloon
SW Kingsway Capital Holdings Ltd. 5/F Hutchison House, 10 Harcourt
Rd., Central Hong Kong
Swank International Manufacturing Company Ltd. Unit 3301 33/F
Metroplaza Twr. I, 223 Hing Fong Rd., Kwai Fong New Territories
Sweet and Maxwell Ltd. (Asia) 20/F Sunning Plz., 10 Hysan Ave. Causeway Bay
Swire Coca-Cola HK Ltd. 17-19 Yuen Shun Circuit, Siu Lek Yuen,
Shatin New Territories
Swire Pacific Ltd. 35/F Two Pacific Pl., 88 Queensway Hong Kong
Symantec Hong Kong Ltd. 18 Harbour Rd., Ste. 3006, 30th Fl., Central Plz. Wanchai
Symcon (Asia) Ltd. Unit 2105, Metropole Sq., No. 2 On Yiu St. Shatin
Symphony Holdings Ltd. 10/F Island Pl. Twr., 510 King's Rd., N Point Hong Kong
Synergis Holdings 3/F Hsin Chong centre, 107-109 Wai Yip St., Kwun
Tong -Kowloon Hong Kong
Syscan Technology Holdings Ltd. Unit C 21/F Seabright Plz., 9-23 Shell
St., N Point Hong Kong
System Pro-Computers Ltd. 17th Fl. Twr. I, Millennium City,388 Kwun
Tong Rd. Hong Kong
T S Telecom Technologies Ltd. Ste. 4002 Gloucester Twr., The Landmark,
11 Pedder St. Central Hong Kong
Tack Fat Group International Ltd. 13/F Roxy Industrial Centre, 58-66
Tai Lin Pai Rd., Kwai Chung New Territories
Tack Hsin Holdings Ltd. Unit 1203 12/F Peninsular Centre, 67 Mody Rd.,
Tsim Sha Tsui E Kowloon - Hong Kong
Tadano South China Company Ltd. Rm. 1803 18/F, Seaview Commercial
Bldg., 21-24 Connaught Rd. W Hong Kong
Tai Cheung Holdings Ltd. 20/F The Hong Kong Club Bldg., 3A Chater Rd.,
Central Hong Kong
Tai Fook Securities Group Ltd. 24-26/F New World Twr., 16-18 Queen's
Rd. Central Hong Kong
Tai Ping Carpets International Ltd. 26/F Twr. A Regent Centre, 63 Wo
Yi Hop Rd., Kwai Chung Hong Kong
Tai Sang Land Development Ltd. 26-28/F Tai Sang Commercial Bldg.,
24-34 Hennessy Rd. Hong Kong
Tai Sing International (Holdings) Ltd. 24/F Prosperous Commercial
Bldg., 54-58 Jardine's Bazaar, Causeway Bay Hong Kong
TAK FU INDUSTRIAL (Hong Kong) Company Ltd. Unit A, 5/F Well Town Ind.
Bldg., 13 Ko Fai Rd., Yau Tong Kowloon
Tak Shun Technology Group Ltd. Unit 9 32/F Cable TV Twr., 9 Hoi Shing
Rd., Tsuen Wan New Territories
Tak Sing Alliance Holdings Ltd. 26/F Phase II-Wyler Centre, 200 Tai
Lin Pai Rd., Kwai Chung New Territories
Takson Holdings Ltd. 5/F S Wing, Harbour Centre Twr. One, 1 Hok Cheung
St. Hunghom - Kowloon
Tan Chong International Ltd. Rm. 3001 30/F Shui On Centre, 6-8 Harbour
Rd., Wanchai Hong Kong
Tanrich Financial Holdings Ltd. 16/F Central Plz., 18 Harbour Rd.,
Wanchai Hong Kong
Tapematic Asia Nextek Ltd., Rm. 1503, 15th Fl., China United Plz. Kowloon
Targray Asia Ltd. Unit 1601, 16th Fl., Austin Plz., 83 Austin Rd., TST Kowloon
Tat Ming Engineering Works Ltd. Unit 919 Twr. A Regent Centre, 63 Wo
Yi Hop Rd., Kwai Chung New Territories
TCC International Holdings Ltd. 16/F Hong Kong Diamond Exchange, 8-10
Duddle St., Central Hong Kong
TCL Multimedia Technology Holdings Ltd. 13/F TCL Twr., 8 Tai Chung
Rd., Tsuen Wan New Territories
Techmakers Electronic Ltd. Units a18-19, Block A 4th Fl., Proficient
Industrial Centre,6 Wang Kwun Kowloon Bay
Technology Venture Holdings Ltd. Unit 1 31st Fl., 118 Connaught Rd. W Hong Kong
technotrans china Ltd. Unit 18-19, Tuen Mun Central Sq., 22 Hoi Wing Rd. Tuen Mun
Techpacific Capital Ltd. 2701 Citibank Twr., 3 Garden Rd. Central Hong Kong
Techwayson Holdings Ltd. Ste. 2905 Twr. 1 Lippo Centre, 89 Queensway Hong Kong
Teijin Kasei (HK) Ltd. Rm. 2095, 29th Fl., Sino Plz., 256-257
Gloucester Rd. Causeway Bay
Teleeye Holdings Ltd. 16/F Millennium City III, 370 Kwun Tong Rd.,
Kowloon Hong Kong
Television Broadcasts Ltd. TV City, Clear Water Bay Rd. Kowloon
Templar International Consultants Ltd. 1501-02, 15/F., Soundwill
Plaza, 38 Russell St., Causeway Bay Hong Kong
Termbray Industries International (Holdings) Ltd. Flat B 8/F Waylee
Industrial Centre, 30-38 Tsuen King Circuit, Tsuen Wan New Territories
Tern Properties Company Ltd. 26/F Tern Centre, Twr. I, 237 Queen's Rd.
Central Hong Kong
Terrapinn Ste. 1301, 13th Fl. Bloom House,2 Tang Lung St. Causeway Bay
Texwinca Holdings Ltd. 16/F Metroplaza Twr. II, 223 Hing Fong Rd.,
Kwai Chung New Territories
TGT Optoelectronic Technology Co. Unit 10, 3rd Fl., Technology Park,
18 On Lai St., Siu Lek Yuen Shatin
The Bank of East Asia Ltd. 10 Des Voeux Rd. Central Hong Kong
The Bank of Tokyo-Mitsubishi UFJ Ltd. (Hong Kong) 16th Fl. Admiralty
Centre Twr. 1, 18 Harcourt Rd. Hong Kong
The Garden Company Ltd. 58 Castle Peak Rd. Kowloon
The Hong Kong and China Gas Company Ltd. 23/F 363 Java Rd., N Point Hong Kong
The Hong Kong Building and Loan Agency Ltd. Rm. 2301 23/F Twr. 1,
Lippo Centre, 89 Queensway Hong Kong
The Hong Kong Parkview Group Limited, 88 Tai Tam Reservoir Rd. Hong Kong
The Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation Ltd. PO Box 64, G, 1
Queen's Rd. Central Hong Kong
The Hongkong and Shanghai Hotels Ltd. 8/F St. George's Bldg., 2 Ice
House St. Central Hong Kong
The Refined Industry Company Ltd. 7/F Sun King Factory Bldg., 1-7
Shing Chuen Rd., Shatin New Territories
The Sun's Group Ltd. 5/F Tien Chu Commercial Bldg., 173-174 Gloucester
Rd., Wanchai Hong Kong
Theme International Holdings Ltd. 11F High Fashion Centre, 1-11 Kwai
Hei St., Kwai Chung New Territories
ThinSoft (Holdings) Inc. Rm. 2818 China Merchants Twr., Shun Tak
Centre, 168-200 Connaught Rd. Ce Hong Kong
Thiz Technology Group Ltd. Unit1004 10/F Twr. B, Hungham Commercial
Centre, 37 Ma Tau Wai Rd. To Kwa Wan/Kowloon
Tian An China Investments Company Ltd. 27/F China Online Centre, 333
Lockhart Rd., Wanchai Hong Kong
Tian Teck Land Ltd. Rm. 502, Euro Trade Centre, 21-23 Des Voeux Rd.
Central Hong Kong
Tianjin Development Holdings Ltd. 26-38/F Tianjin Bldg., 167 Connaught
Rd. W Hong Kong
Tidetime Sun (Group) Ltd. Rooms 3303-305 33/F, 6-8 Harbour Rd., Wanchai Hong Kong
Timeless Software Ltd. 79/F The Centre, 99 Queen's Rd. Central Hong Kong
Titan Petrochemicals Group Ltd. Suites 6706-6716 67/F, Two
International Finance Centre, 8 Finance St. - Hong Kong
Tomorrow International Holdings Ltd. 27/F Henley Bldg., 5 Queen's Rd.
Central Hong Kong
Tomson Group Ltd. 22/F AIA Plz., 18 Hysan Ave., Causeway Bay Hong Kong
Tongda Group Holdings Ltd. Rm. 1201-03, 12/F Shui On Centre, 6-8
Harbour Rd. Wanchai - Hong Kong
Tonic Industries Holdings Ltd. Unit B 10/F Summit Bldg., 30 Man Yue
St., Hung Hom Kowloon
Top Form International Ltd. Rm. 1813 18F Twr. I, Grand Century Pl.,
193 Prince Edward Rd. W Mongkok -Kowloon
Topsearch International (Holdings) Ltd. 3301 China Merchants Twr.,
Shun Tak Centre, 168-200 Connaught Rd. Centra Hong Kong
Toshiba Electronics Asia Ltd. 11/F Twr. 2 Grand Century Pl., 193
Prince Edward Rd. W, Mongkok Kowloon
Tottori SANYO Electric (Hong Kong) Ltd. 10th Fl., Chuan Kei Factory
Bldg., 15-23 Kin Hong St. Kwai Chung
Town Health International Holdings Company Ltd. Shop 37 Level 3,
Hilton Plz. Commercial Centre, 3-9 Shatin Centre St. Shatin - New
Toyo Machinery and Metal (Hong Kong) 1603-4 Cigna Twr., 482 Jaffe Rd. Causeway Bay
TPV Technology Ltd. Rm. 2108 21/F Harcourt Rd., 39 Gloucester Rd.,
Wanchai Hong Kong
Tracker Fund of Hong Kong c/o State St. Global Advisors, 32/F Two
Exchange Sq., 8 Connaught Pl. Ce Hong Kong
TradeEasy Holdings Ltd. UNits 2-5 19/F BEA Twr., Millennium City 5,
418 Kwun Tong Rd. Kowloon
Transport International Holdings Ltd. 1 Po Lun St., Lai Chi Kok Kowloon
Trasy Gold Ex Ltd. Rooms 301-302 3rd Fl. United Chinese Bank Bldg.,
31-37 Des Voeux Rd., Ce Hong Kong
Trend Harvest International Development Ltd. Unit 10-17/F Int'l Trade
Ctr., 11-19 Sha Tsui Rd., Tsuen Wan New Territories
Trend Micro Inc. Rm. 2409, 24th Fl., Windsor House,311 Gloucester Rd. Causeway Bay
Trident Microsystems (Far East) Ltd. Unit 1, 18th Fl., Twr. III,
Enterprise Sq.,9 Sheung Yuet Rd., Kowloon Ba Kowloon
Triple Keen Industrial (Holdings) Ltd. Ste. 1501-4, 15th Fl., Two
Chinachem Exchange Sq., 338 King's Rd. North Point
Tristate Holdings Ltd. 5/F 66-72 Lei Muk Rd., Kwai Chung New Territories
Truly International Holdings Ltd. 2/F Chung Shun Knitting Centre, 1-3
Wing Yip St., Kwai Chung New Territories
Tse Sui Luen Jewellery (International) Ltd. G/F Block B Summit Bldg.,
30 Man Yue St., Hung Hom Kowloon
Tsim Sha Tsui Properties Ltd. 12/F Tsim Sha Tsui Centre, Salisbury
Rd., Tsimshatsui Kowloon
Tullett Liberty (Hong Kong) Ltd. Ste. 1001 10/F CITIC Twr., 1 Tim Mei
Ave., Central Hong Kong
Tungtex (Holdings) Company Ltd. 12/F Tungtex Bldg., 203 Wai Yip St.,
Kwun Tong Kowloon
Turner International Asia Pacific Ltd. 30th Fl., Entertainment
Bldg.,30 Queen's Rd. Central Hong Kong
Tysan Holdings Ltd. 6/F Sun Hung Kai Centre, 30 Harbour Rd., Wanchai Hong Kong
U-Right International Holdings Ltd. 32/F Billion Plz., 8 Cheung Yue
St., Cheung Sha Wan Kowloon
UBA Investments Ltd. 2/F Wah Kit Commercial Centre, 302 Des Voeux Rd.
Central Hong Kong
UBS Securities Asia Ltd. 52/F Two International Finance Centre, 8
Finance St., Central Hong Kong
UDL Holdings Ltd. Rm. 702 7/F Aitken Vanson Centre, 61 Hoi Yuen Rd.,
Kwun Tong Kowloon
UmeDisc Ltd. 1-4th Fl., Hale Weal Industrial Bldg., 22-28 Tai Chung Rd. Tsuen Wan
Unaxis Hong Kong Ltd. Ste. 2301-3, 23rd Fl., CMG Asia Twr., The
Gateway, 15 Canton Rd. Tsim Sha Tsui
Uni-Bio Science Group Ltd. 9-10/F Fook Hing Factory Bldg., 33 Lee
Chung St., Chan Wan Hong Kong
United Pacific Industries Ltd. 2705-6 27/F Vicwood Plz., 199 Des Voeux
Rd., Central Hong Kong
United Power Investment Ltd. 2810-11, 28/F Shun Tak Centre W Twr., 200
Connaught Rd. Central
Unity Investments Holdings Ltd. 19th Fl. Harbour Commercial Bldg.,
122-124 Connaught Rd., Central Hong Kong
Universal Holdings Ltd. Unit 4306 Far E Finance Centre, 16 Harcourt
Rd., Admiralty Hong Kong
Universal Technologies Holdings Ltd. 231-233 Bldg. 2 Phase 1, 1
Science Park W Ave., Hong Kong Science Park Shatin - New Territories
Universe International Holdings Ltd. 18/F Wyler Centre Phase II,
192-200 Tai Lin Pai Rd., Kwai Chung New Territories
Unza Cathay Ltd. Unit 1103-5 11th Fl. Asia Oient Twr., 33 Lockhart
Rd., Wanchai Hong Kong
Upbest Group Ltd. 2/F Wah Kit Commercial Centre, 302 Des Voeux Rd.
Central Hong Kong
USI Holdings Ltd. 25/F Unimix Industrial Centre, 2 Ng Fong St., San Po Kong Kowloon
V S International Group Ltd. 4106 41/F Office Twr., Convention Plz., 1
Harbour Road-Wanchai Hong Kong
Value Convergence Holdings Ltd. 28/F The Centrium, 60 Wyndham St. Central Hong Kong
Van Shung Chong Holdings Ltd. Rooms 4902-8 Hopewell Centre, 183
Queen's Rd. E, Wanchai Hong Kong
Vantage International (Holdings) Ltd. 703 W Coast Internation Bldg.,
290-296 Un Chau St., Shamshuipo Kowloon
Varitronix International Ltd. 22 Chun Cheong St., Tseung Kwan O
Industrial Estate, Tseung Kwan O Hong Kong
Vedan International (Holdings) Ltd. Ste. 3706 37th/F W Twr., Shun Tak
Centre, 200 Connaught Rd. Central Hong Kong
Veeko International Holdings Ltd. 10/F Wyler Centre Phase II, 192-200
Tai Lin Pai Rd., Kwai Chung New Territories
Victory City International Holdings Ltd. Unit D 3/F, Winfield
Industrial Bldg., 3 Kin Kwan St. Tuen Mun - New Territories
Victory Group Ltd. Ste. 1609 New E Ocean Centre, 9 Science Museum Rd.,
Tsimshatsui E Kowloon
Vital Biotech Holdings Ltd. 31st Fl. Sunshine Plz., 353 Lockhart Rd.,
Wanchai Hong Kong
Vitasoy International Holdings Ltd. 1 Kin Wong St., Tuen Mun New Territories
Vitop Bioenergy Holdings Ltd. Rm. 702 7/F Aon China Bldg., 29 Queens
Rd. Central Hong Kong
Viva Magnetics Ltd. 16th Fl., E On Factory Bldg., 14 Wong Chuk Hang Rd. Aberdeen
VST Holdings Ltd. Unit 1901 19/F W Twr., Shun Tak Centre, 188
Connaught Rd. Central Hong Kong
VTech Holdings Ltd. 23/F Block 1-Tai Ping Ind Centre, 57 Ting Kok Rd.,
Tai Po Hong Kong
VXL Capital Suites 2707-2708, One Exchange Sq., 8 Connaught Pl. Cental
Wafer Systems Ltd. Units 901-7, 9/F MLC Millennia Plz., 663 King's
Rd. North Point - Hong Kong
Wah Ha Realty Company Ltd. Rm. 2500 Dominion Centre, 43-59 Queen's Rd.
E, Wanchai Hong Kong
Wah Nam International Holdings Ltd. Rm. 1202 12th/F Peninsula Centre,
67 Mody Rd., Tsimshatsui E Kowloon
Wah Sang Gas Holdings Ltd. Ste. 2002 20/F One Pacific Pl., 88 Queensway Hong Kong
Wai Kee Holdings Ltd. Unit 702B 7/F E Ocean Centre, 98 Granville Rd.,
Tsimshatsui Kowloon
Wai Yuen Tong Medicine Holdings Ltd. 5/F Wai Yuen Tong Medicine Bldg.,
9 Wang Kwong Rd., Kowloon Bay Kowloon
Wanasports Holdings Ltd. Rm. 1901 Sunshine Plz., 353 Lockhart Rd.,
Wanchai Hong Kong
Wang On Group Ltd. 5/F Wai Yuen Tong Bldg., 9 Wang Kwong Rd., Kowloon Bay Kowloon
Wang Sing International Holdings Group Ltd. 22/F Shum Twr., 268 Des
Voeux Rd. Central Hong Kong
Wanji Pharmaceutical Holdings Ltd. Unit 3515 35/F W Twr., Sun Tak
Centre, 168-200 Connaught Rd. Central Hong Kong
Warner Home Video 29th Fl., Oxford House, Tai Koo Pl., 979 King's Rd. Quarry Bay
Water Oasis Group Ltd. 18/F World Trade Centre, 280 Gloucester Rd.,
Causeway Bay Hong Kong
Wealthmark International (Holdings) Ltd. Units 1 and 2, 3/F Fook Hong
Industrial Bldg., 19 Sheung Yuet Rd. Kowloon Bay
Wearbest Garment Manufacturing Company Ltd. 1/F-Wearbest Bldg., 66
Tokwawan Rd. Kowloon
Well Glory Industrial Ltd. 3rd Fl., Wider Industrial Bldg., 58 Tsun
Yip St., Kwun Tong Kowloon
Westpac Banking Corp. 3303-05 2 Exchange Sq., 8 Connaught Pl. Central Hong Kong
Wharf (Holdings) Limited, The 16/F Ocean Centre, Harbour City, Canton Rd. Kowloon
Wheelock and Company Ltd. 23/F Wheelock House, 20 Pedder St. Hong Kong
William S T Lee Insurance Company Ltd. Rm. 1901 Lincoln House, Taikoo
Place-979 King's Rd., Island E Hong Kong
Willie International Holdings Ltd. 32/F China United Centre, 28 Marble
Rd., N Point Hong Kong
Winfair Investment Company Ltd. Rm. 501-502, 5/F Lee Kiu Bldg., 51
Jordan Rd. Kowloon
Winfoong International Ltd. Rm. 801, 9 Queen's Rd. Central Hong Kong
Wing Hang Bank Ltd. 161 Queen's Rd. Central Hong Kong
Wing Hing International (Holdings) Ltd. 14/F Yau Lee Centre, 45 Hoi
Yuen Rd., Kwun Tong Kowloon
Wing Lee Holdings Ltd. Units 201/207/208, 2/F Sunbeam Centre, 27 Shing
Yip St. Kwun Tong - Kowloon
Wing Lung Bank Ltd. 45 Des Voeux Rd., Central Hong Kong
Wing On Company International Ltd. 7/F Wing On Centre, 211 Des Voeux
Rd., Central Hong Kong
Wing On Travel (Holdings) Ltd. 7/F Paul Y Centre, 51 Hung To Rd., Kwun Tong Kowloon
Wing Shan International Ltd. Rooms 2801-2805, China Insurance Group
Bldg., 141 Des Voeux Rd. Central Hong Kong
Wing Shing Optical Disc Company Ltd. 19th Fl., Man Foong Industrial
Bldg., 7 Cheung Lee St. Chaiwan
Winsor Industrial Corporation Ltd. 2/F E Ocean Centre, 98 Granville
Rd., Tsimshatsui E Kowloon
Winsor Properties Holdings Ltd. 2/F E Ocean Centre, 98 Granville Rd.,
Tsimshatsui Kowloon
WKK Hong Kong WKK Bldg., 2nd Fl., 414 Kwun Tong Rd., Kwun Tong Kowloon
WLS Holdings Ltd. Rooms 601-605 Southmark, 11 Yip Hing St., Wong Chuk
Hang-Aberdeen Hong Kong
Wo Kee Hong (Holdings) Ltd. 10/F Block A, Wo Kee Hong Bldg., 585-609
Castle Peak Rd. Kwai Chung - New Territori
Wonderful World Holdings Ltd. Ste. 1408 14th/F Dina House, Ruttonjee
Centre, 11 Duddell St. Central Hong Kong
Wong's International (Holdings) Ltd. Wong's Industrial Centre, 180A
Wai Yip St., Kwun Tong Kowloon
Wong's Kong King International (Holdings) Ltd. 2/F WKK Bldg., 414 Kwun
Tong Rd., Kwun Tong Kowloon
Wonson International Holdings Ltd. Rm. 4504-5, 45/F China Resources
Bldg., 26 Harbour Rd. Hong Kong
World Houseware Holdings Company Ltd. Flat C 18/F, Bold Win Industrial
Bldg., 16-18 Wah Sing St. Kwai Chung - New Territori
WorldPay 23th Fl. Lever Centre,69-71 King Yip St., Kwun Tong Kowloon
Wyith Ltd. 4 Kamhong St., 7th Fl. North Point Goodview Centr
Xin Corporation Ltd. Rm. 2107 21st Fl. Nan Fung Twr., 173 Des Voeux
Rd., Central Hong Kong
Xinhua Finance Ste. 2003-5 Vicwood Plz., 199 Des Voeux Rd. Central Hong Kong
XTeam Software International Ltd. M/F Yardley Commercial Bldg., 3
Connaught Rd. W, Sheung Wan Hong Kong
Y L International Co. Rm. 1201, 12th Fl., Far E Consortium Bldg.,
204-206 Nathan Rd. Kowloon
Yangtzekiang Garment Manufacturing Company Ltd. 22 Tai Yau St., San Po Kong Kowloon
Yanion International Holdings Ltd. Rm. 2001 20th Fl. Central Plz., 18
Harbour Rd., Wanchai Hong Kong
Yardway Group Ltd. 1/F Prosun Bldg., 2-6 Fui Yiu Kok St., Tsuen Wan New Territories
Yau Lee Holdings Ltd. 10/F Twr. I Enterprise Sq., 9 Sheung Yuet Rd. Kowloon Bay
Yee Lee Industrial Chemical Ltd. Rm. 1706 Yardley Commercial Bldg.,
1-6 Connaught Rd. W Hong Kong
Yeebo (International Holdings) Ltd. 7/F On Dak Industrial Bldg., 2-6
Wah Sing St., Kwai Chung New Territories
YGM Trading Ltd. 22 Tai Yau St., San Po Kong Kowloon
Yip's Chemical Holdings Ltd. Yip's Hang Cheung Bldg., 13 Yip Cheong
St., On Lok Tsuen Fanling-New Territories
Yuan Chien Computer Company Ltd. 6-8 Harbor Rd., Ste. 2713 Wanchai
Yue Hwa Chinese Products (Emporium) Ltd. 15/F Champion Bldg., 301-309
Nathan Rd. Kowloon
Yue Yuen Industrial (Holdings) Ltd. 7/F Blocks A-D, Hop Hing
Industrial Bldg., 702 Castle Peak Rd. Kowloon
Yugang International Ltd. Rooms 3301-3307, China Resources Bldg., 26
Harbour Rd. Wanchai - Hong Kong
Yunnan Enterprises Holdings Ltd. Suites 2401-2404, 24/F CITIC Twr., 1
Tim Mei Ave. Central Hong Kong
Yuxing InfoTech Holdings Ltd. Unit 1808 18/F Twr. III, Enterprise Sq.,
9 Sheung Yuet Rd. Kowloon
Zhong Hua International Holdings Ltd. Unit 6307 63/F The Ctr., 99
Queen's Rd. Central Hong Kong
Zhongyu Gas Holdings Ltd. 3016 30th/F, One International Finance
Centre, 1 Harbour view Street/Cen Hong Kong
Zoran Asia Pacific Ltd. Unit 504-505, New E Ocean Ctr., 9 Science Museum Rd. Kowloon
My Blog List
BeijingMan Backgrounder - Above: China. The meeting was good. Waiting for lunch: Lamb Neck with Chinese Merlot. 15 years business in Beijing, some experiences below. The Story of Be...3 months ago
Serie A là gì? Nuôi dưỡng tình yêu bóng đá cho các thế hệ - Serie A là giải đấu bóng đá chuyên nghiệp hàng đầu của Ý, được tổ chức bởi Liên đoàn Bóng đá Ý (FIGC). Đây là một trong những giải đấu bóng đá danh giá và ...7 months ago
Top 8 Fastest-Growing Industries in China 2021 - China is a fast-growing economy with almost every Fortune 500 company well established in the country. It has become a hub for every company to consider ...3 years ago
A Former Expat on China: Grim - 1. LaoWhy86 on YouTube Spent the last few days catching up on my China reading and viewing, mostly those articles and videos friends, clients and readers w...4 years ago
Nostalgia. Why else would I resurrect old content? - As you may have noticed, my China Esquire blog has gotten a major overhaul. Why might you ask? Because it got bloated over time–mostly by very annoying p...6 years ago
Saying Goodbye: A Last Supper from China Real Time - The time has come. Before it shuts down, China Real Time looks back at nine years spent serving up stories from the world's most populous country.7 years ago
Moving my blog site - Dear readers, Time to put The China Collection in your blog reader. After twelve years (I started in May 2005) and almost a million visits here at the Chin...7 years ago
Volkswagen CEO Personally Apologized to President Obama for Emissions Scandal - "I took the opportunity to apologize to him personally for this matter"8 years ago
The growing sophistication of Chinese art collectors - Rupert Hoogewerf - [image: Rupert Hoogewerf] Rupert HoogewerfA slowdown of art sales in China is not only caused by the anti-graft campaign or the economic slowdown, but also...9 years ago
Foxconn Moving Direct to Consumer - I remember having conversations years ago about what Foxconn would do going forward, and whether or not they would be happy as the manufacturer to brands...10 years ago
Conducting field work in China - Useful post from Sinograduate. Click the link to see expanded descriptions of each point. Conducting Field Work in China *If you’re a masters or Ph.D. stu...10 years ago
Postcards from the National People's Congress - [image: IMG_0767] [image: IMG_0769] [image: IMG_0778] [image: IMG_0770] [image: IMG_0776] [image: IMG_2027] [image: IMG_0777]11 years ago
AsiaInspection Q1 2011 Barometer: China's Industry Moving Inland to Keep Exports Competitive - Inside of a factory in Anhui Province AsiaInspection Q1 2011 Barometer shows China's industry is moving inland to keep exports competitive. Check it out: A...13 years ago
Travel news: Monte Carlo Las Vegas Update - As of today, Las Vegas' Monte Carlo Casino Hotel remains closed pending the investigation of last week's fire and the impending repair work. At this time, ...25 years ago